Choreography program for gifted children. Development of children's creative talent in choreography classes. At the testing stage it is carried out

Zhanna Akulova
Additional education program for working with gifted children “World of Dance”

Explanatory note

"From the beautiful images we will move on to beautiful thoughts,

from beautiful thoughts to beautiful life and

from a beautiful life to absolute beauty"

Leading teachers and psychologists believe that an important task of pedagogy today is to provide individualized psychological and pedagogical support for everyone baby: “Already in preschool, children should have the opportunity to develop their abilities.” Therefore, the creation of a support system becomes active gifted children in preschool institutions. Vocal circles, choreographic sections, and various kinds of creative activities acquire significant importance.

Therefore, the idea of ​​organizing work on the development of choreographic data of children in kindergarten. To implement this work and a program was developed"World dance» .

Program"World dance» developed based on the following documents: Law of the Russian Federation "About education» , “The concept of spiritual and moral education”, federal target subroutine« Gifted children» , "The concept of modernization of the Russian education» .

basis programs"World dance» appeared program F. E Firileva "Sa-fi-Dance", in addition, elements of copyright are also used programs: G. A. Kolodnitsky "Rhythmic exercises dancing for children» , E. A Pinaeva "Rhythm", A. I. Burenina "Rhythmic mosaic".

Implementation results programs"World dance» during the 2012-2013 academic year they were presented at regional methodological associations; in September 2013, a generalization of the experience of this work at the regional August pedagogical meeting and international educational website in the author’s personal block programs.

Used in implementation dance production programs are developed personally by the author of the program.

This program designed for 1 year of study for the age category of children 5-7 years old, in the form of group and individual lessons twice a week. For the implementation of this The program is allocated 72 hours.

Characteristic programs

Pedagogical expediency

The age of 5 - 7 years has been studied quite well by psychologists and physiologists. The child intensively develops visual creative thinking and imagination, speech develops, mental life is enriched by experience, the ability to perceive the world and act according to ideas arises. The child can be required to be expressive and emotional when performing dance.

Children answer questions faster, change actions and movements, which makes it possible to increase the density of classes in the rhythmic circle, to include elements in motor exercises that build strength, speed, and endurance. But still, the properties of nervous processes, especially mobility, are not sufficiently developed. By age 6, the child has developed large muscles of the trunk and limbs, but small muscles are still weak, especially the muscles of the arms. Children are able to change their muscle efforts. Therefore, children in classes can perform exercises with different amplitudes, move according to the teacher’s instructions from slow to faster ones, they relatively easily learn tasks when walking, running, jumping, but certain difficulties arise when performing exercises related to work of small muscles.

At this age, collectivist personality traits develop. Children are usually very sociable, love to play together, and be in a group of peers. They can already coordinate their actions with the actions of other people and are capable of empathy.


Problem giftedness in the education system usually solved by creating special circles for gifted and talented children. But there is another possible solution - do not delete gifted a child from his natural environment, to train and educate him without taking him out of the circle of ordinary peers, creating conditions for the development and realization of his outstanding capabilities.

Often, in ordinary classes, children receive only a general impression of what has been prepared for them. dance, musical and rhythmic composition. They do not have time to experience the dance, bring their creativity into its performance, enjoy the beauty of the movements, feel the joy of freedom, and express themselves.

Taking the uniqueness of preschool age as a basis, we tried develop a series of lessons that contribute to the formation in children of the desire and need to live in a world of movements, to enjoy rhythmic exercises, and to enjoy the beauty of movements; develop in children flexibility, plasticity, ability own your body, expand children's knowledge about the history of the origin dancing. In addition, create an atmosphere of emotional comfort and creative activity.

Distinctive features programs

1. Focus on improving professional teaching skills in the field of choreographic and rhythmic movements.

2. The use of entire works as musical accompaniment, rather than excerpts, as is customary in the musical accompaniment of exercises.

3. Focusing the teacher’s attention on the analysis of mental and emotional processes, their beneficial changes in the psyche of children, under the influence of musical and rhythmic movements (not on the outside of learning).

Principles of pedagogical activity in working with children

The principle of creating comfortable conditions for joint work of children and teacher;

The principle of creating conditions for self-knowledge and self-realization of each individual;

The principle of variability in the implementation of content, forms, methods of the educational process.

IN program system presented work on the development of children’s choreographic abilities, by means of rhythm, revealing one of the types additional education in preschool educational institutions.

Program sets itself the task of not only achieving correct choreographic performance, but also revealing the plastic expressiveness and organic nature of the students. Program responds flexibly to specifics and takes into account the theme of the main educational process due to selection, exercises, repertoire, intensity and tempo of classes, analysis of existing skills in children.

At each stage of training, the material is distributed across the main four sections of choreographic art:

ABC of musical movement;

Elements of the classic dance;

Elements of folk dance;

Elements of historical and everyday life dance.

Production and rehearsal Job permeates the entire educational process and has as its goal aesthetic education, development of creative and acting abilities of students, understanding of content dance image. In the process of constant practice, children themselves come to the conclusion that choreography is a meaningful art that requires skill, technique, and expressiveness. Pupils should gain an understanding of how dance movement expresses the inner world of a person, that beauty dance– this is the perfection of movements, lightness, strength and grace. The performance must be natural, the proposed material must correspond not only to the technical capabilities of the students, but also take into account their age-related psychology. At the end of the training, it is necessary to use a short completed dance, where, along with the assimilation of the elements, it would be possible to monitor the education of the feelings of the ensemble in creating a stage performance. image. Training should be based on a differentiated approach to children, from the degree of their ability, physical capabilities and technical skills to the perception of the proposed material.

Implementation of the practical part programs planned in the process of rhythmic lessons. Besides, program work involves methodological work with teachers of preschool educational institutions and families of pupils.

In progress working with children It is assumed that visual, practical, and gaming methods will be used.

IN program includes tools for musical and rhythmic education children: choreographic performances dancing, dancing– rhythmic gymnastics, igroplasty, finger gymnastics, musical and outdoor games, playful self-massage. It is specifically based on developed repertoire - classical folk and modern music, melodies of popular children's songs.

Rhythm classes are divided into several species:

Training sessions where movements at a slow pace are discussed and techniques for performing movements are explained.

Consolidating lessons - where the movements should be repeated together with the teacher or with the soloist.

Final lessons – independent execution of movements, dance composition.

Improvised work - children's essays, developing imagination, creativity, arousing interest.

Classes are conducted in a playful way, often with a plot. Each lesson is based on a specific scheme: warm-up, main part (analysis dance moves, final part (breathing exercises).

In addition, each lesson includes breaks - elements of psycho-gymnastics, creative activities, finger games. When planning lessons, their developmental nature is taken into account, children's ability, independence, creativity, development of individual material and performance with it at concerts, parental meetings, matinees, entertainment.

Target programs:

Create conditions for the development of choreographic abilities gifted children.

Tasks programs


Introduce children to different species dancing(their stories, dance professions, costumes, attributes, dance technology);

Teach own basic elements of various dance genres;

Teach yourself, use the acquired knowledge and skills in working on plastic dance images;

Learn the basics of improvisation.


Develop children's musicality (emotional responsiveness to music, auditory perception, sense of rhythm);

Form artistic taste;

Develop expressiveness of movements;

Develop coordination of movements;

Develop thinking imagination, cognitive activity.


Cultivate interest in rhythmic classes;

Psychologically liberate the child in creative improvisations;

Develop skills work in a team, perform rhythmic movements harmoniously;

Cultivate love for dance.

Expected results

Pupils must be able to:

Interested in studying dance activities;

Organize executions independently dance(choice of movements, distribution of roles);

Use in dance various types of activities dance.

Must know:

Some types dance(r.n.t., pop, classical, etc.);

Some techniques for performing movements.

Must have ideas:

ABOUT dance culture;

ABOUT dance professions.

Throughout the year, using the acquired knowledge and skills, children demonstrate the skills of artistic transformation in small plot dancing, miniatures and group dances at matinees and entertainment in kindergarten

Explanatory note.

Appendix 2. Stages of implementation of the program to support a gifted child.

Appendix 3. Functions of specialists in the educational process when organizing work with gifted children.

Appendix 4. Card of a gifted child.

Appendix 5. Structure of the support program for a gifted child.

Appendix 6. Plan of the program “Supporting a child gifted in several areas.”

Appendix 7. Plan of the program “Accompanying a child with extraordinary intellectual abilities.”

Appendix 8. Plan of the program “Accompanying a child with pronounced athletic abilities.”

Appendix 9. Plan of the program “Accompanying a gifted child with pronounced musical abilities.”

Appendix 10. Plan of the program “Accompanying a gifted child with pronounced artistic abilities.”

Appendix 11. Plan of the program “Supporting a gifted child with technical abilities.”

Appendix 12. Plan of the program “Accompanying a gifted child with artistic and literary abilities.”

Appendix 13. “Diagnostic tools for identifying giftedness.”

Appendix 14. “A brief algorithm for developing an individual route for a gifted child.”

Appendix 15. “Methods for developing giftedness.”

Appendix 16. “Program “Knowledge”. Cognitive and research activities as a means of developing the intellectual talent of preschool children.

Explanatory note.Relevance of the topic. The most sensitive period for the development of abilities is early childhood and preschool age. A child of this age is characterized by high cognitive activity, increased impressionability, and the need for mental stress. He has developed intuition, brightness, concreteness of the images he represents and the ease of manipulating them. The “generic” features of preschool age are fantasy, creative imagination, non-standard thinking, in addition, special sensitivity and responsiveness to the environment is manifested. Based on this, in order to develop creative abilities in educational institutions, it is necessary to promptly identify children with prerequisites for giftedness, carry out special work to preserve and further develop their abilities, relying on the children’s own activity, combining the efforts of a teacher-psychologist, educators, specialists, and parents. One of the priority areas of work of the preschool institution is work with gifted children, which is an integral part of the broader problem of realizing the creative potential of the individual. The program is designed for preschool children.

Regulatory framework of the program:

  • The main provisions of the “Declaration of Human Rights”, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948;
  • The main provisions of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989;
  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period until 2015, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1756-r dated December 29, 2001;
  • Federal target program “Gifted Children”, within the framework of the presidential program “Children of Russia”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on October 3, 2002;
  • Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region dated September 27, 2012 No. 02-02-82/5598 “On the organization of systematic work with gifted children”;
  • Decree of the government of the Sverdlovsk region dated October 11, 2010. No. 1472-PP on the approval of the regional target program “Development of education in the Sverdlovsk region (“Our new school”)” for 2011-2015.

Purpose of the program. Creating conditions for building an educational process aimed at the productive mental, intellectual, and creative development of gifted children, at the realization and improvement of their abilities. Tasks.

1. Develop a system for monitoring and developing the prerequisites for giftedness in preschool children.

3. Create individual routes for psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children.

4. Coordinate and integrate the activities of specialists and parents in this direction.

5. Develop an action plan for developing the creative abilities of kindergarten students.

Planned results:

1. Creation of a data bank of children with prerequisites for various types of giftedness.

2. Increasing the level of individual achievements of children in educational, creative and other areas of activity for which they have the ability.

3. High dynamics of development of productive creative thinking of children with general giftedness.

1. Theoretical justification. Currently, the attention of many psychologists and teachers is attracted by the problem of children's giftedness, its nature, the possibility of identifying and creating special educational programs for gifted children. At the same time, diagnostics of giftedness and work with gifted children are based on the data obtained in special studies. These studies have identified types of giftedness, which are shown below in Table No. 1

Table No. 1.

Types of differences

By breadth of manifestations

General talent (intellectual; creative)

Special talent

By type of preferred activity





According to the intensity of manifestations

increased ability to learn (capable);


highly gifted (talented)

According to the rate of mental development

With a normal pace of mental development;

With a significant advance in the age-related rate of development

According to age characteristics of manifestation


coming (age)

The types of giftedness depending on the type of preferred activity are shown in more detail in Diagram No. 1 and Table 2.

Scheme No. 1. “Types of giftedness depending on the type of preferred activity”

Table 2.




How do they manifest themselves?



The child’s desire to acquire knowledge and skills, cognitive activity, showing interest in new things

Learning abilities

Success in mastering program material, broad outlook, high rates of development of mental cognitive processes



Artistic talent

Manifestation of imagination in creative artistic works, High quality and variety of creative works in accordance with age (drawings, crafts)

Vocal talent

Ability to understand and reproduce melody, sense of rhythm, good voice, ear for music

Literary talent

Good verbal imagination, ability to compose stories, fairy tales, sense of rhyme, easy memorization of poetry

Artistic talent

The ability to “get used to” a role, to behave in public, the desire to imitate fictional (or real) characters, motor and speech memory

Design talent

Developed spatial thinking, love of design, generating original ideas for various designs, ability to invent and rationalize



Sports talent

High athletic performance in accordance with age, desire for movement, will to achieve sporting achievements, physical data and endurance

Choreographic talent

Sense of rhythm, ear for music, ability to copy movements, good motor memory

Communication talent

The ability to understand a communication partner, feel his emotional state, and resolve conflicts

Leadership talent

The ability to organize peers for some common cause, game, persistence in achieving a goal, the ability to achieve results, and the desire to control the situation

2. Research and diagnostic stage.

Target: obtaining primary information about the nature and direction of interests, inclinations and abilities of children; Tasks:

1. Develop a system for identifying giftedness in kindergarten students

2. Identify children with prerequisites for giftedness.

1. Work with teachers (conversations, filling out expert sheets for students, analyzing the results of pedagogical monitoring or individual development cards)

2. Work with children (observation, testing, analysis of children's creative products)

3. Work with parents (conversations, questionnaires)

Principles of testing children:

1. Compliance of test methods with age standards;

2. Game nature of test methods;

3. Friendly atmosphere during testing;

4. Psychological readiness of the child for the testing process

5. Parents’ consent to psychological and pedagogical support of the child

Selection of diagnostic tools. The initial stage in the development of children's giftedness is research and diagnostic, which involves the use of diverse information, including the opinions of parents and educators, testing by a teacher-psychologist, and assessments by specialists. Methods for studying children's giftedness should ensure the principle of minimal sufficiency of the content of methods for the most effective and adequate monitoring of the development of the internal potential of the personality of pupils, cover the cognitive and personal sphere of development, the behavioral characteristics of the child, which makes it possible to determine the priority sphere of his interests, as well as the level of development of creative thinking. Preliminary individual testing using psychological methods should be carried out by a kindergarten psychologist. At the same time, it is not advisable to completely diagnose every child using all methods. Therefore, it is possible to diagnose children in the chosen direction (psychomotor, artistic, vocal, choreographic talent) based on the results of filling out expert sheets by educators, specialists and parents, as well as based on the results of the psychologist’s, educator’s or other specialist’s own observations. It must be borne in mind that the child’s abilities manifest themselves unevenly and at different stages of development cannot be identified using the same methods. Therefore, the proposed set of methods is divided into separate age groups. Table 3 shows the main methods and techniques for studying the giftedness of kindergarten students, as well as the unit (club, section, individual, group work of the teacher), whose task is the further development of any type giftedness of the child. Based on the results of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics to study the giftedness of kindergarten students, a bank of children with special inclinations and abilities will be determined. The data from this bank can be used to develop an individual route for the child for the further development of his talents, including for sending him to the appropriate club or section, in agreement with the parents.

Table 3

1 younger group (from 2 to 3 years old)


Diagnostic methods

Circle, section aimed at developing quality





Motivational and personal characteristics

  • Observation,
  • Pedagogical diagnostics,
  • Observation,
  • Analysis of individual development cards
  • Conversations with the teacher
  • Conversations with parents

Learning abilities



Artistic talent

Vocal talent

Literary talent

Artistic talent

Design talent



Sports talent

Choreographic talent

Communication talent

Social and personal talent

Leadership talent

2nd junior group (from 3 to 4 years old)



Motivational and personal characteristics

  • Observation,
  • Pedagogical diagnostics,
  • Maintaining individual development cards

Express method for the 2nd junior group

Learning abilities



Artistic talent

Studying children's creativity products

Vocal talent


Literary talent

Artistic talent

Design talent


Studying children's creativity products



Sports talent

Choreographic talent

Communication talent

Social and personal talent

Leadership talent

Middle group (0t 4 to 5 years old)



Motivational and personal characteristics

  • Observation,
  • Pedagogical diagnostics,
  • Maintaining individual development cards
  • Expert Evaluation Sheet


Express method for the middle group

Lüscher-Etking color test

Learning abilities



Artistic talent

Test “What kind of toy”

Art club

Vocal talent


V. Kudryavtsev’s methods “The sun in the room” and “How to save a bunny?”

Music classes,

Vocal school

Literary talent

Speech creativity circle

Artistic talent

Theater Club

Design talent


Studying children's creativity products



Sports talent

Physical education classes

Circle "Island of Health"

Choreographic talent

Choreographic circle

Communication talent

Social and personal talent

Observation in free activity

Leadership talent

Senior group (0t 5 to 6 years old)



Motivational and personal characteristics

  • Observation,
  • Pedagogical diagnostics,
  • Maintaining individual development cards
  • Expert Evaluation Sheet


Express method for the senior group

Lüscher-Etking color test

English language study group

Learning abilities



Artistic talent

Studying children's creativity products,

Test “Name and Draw”

Art club

Vocal talent


Music classes

Vocal school

Literary talent

Witzlak test “Make a story from pictures”

Speech creativity circle

Artistic talent

Theater Club

Design talent

Observation in games,

Studying children's creativity products

Club "Cognitive and research activities"



Sports talent

Physical education classes

Circle "Island of Health"

Choreographic talent

Choreographic circle

Communication talent

Social and personal talent

Methodology of N.E. Veraksa “Assessment of communication abilities of preschool children”

Educator through role-playing games

Leadership talent

Preparatory group for school (0t 6 to 7 years old)



Motivational and personal characteristics

  • Observation,
  • Pedagogical diagnostics,
  • Maintaining individual development cards,
  • Expert assessment sheet for general talent,
  • Expert assessment sheet “Studying the educational needs of a preschooler”


Express method for the preparatory group

Pieron_Toulouse test

Lüscher-Etking color test

Yurkevich’s technique “Tree of Desires”

Club "Cognitive and Research Activities"

English language study group

Learning abilities



Artistic talent

Studying children's creativity products,

Torrance's "Brief Creativity Test"

Williams Creativity Test

Drawing of a man

Drawings on a given topic

Art club

Vocal talent


Vocal school

Literary talent

Test “Make a story based on a plot picture”

Speech creativity circle

Artistic talent

Theater Club

Design talent

Raven's test

Observation in games,

Studying children's creativity products

Club "Cognitive and research activities"



Sports talent

Physical education classes

Circle "Island of Health"

Choreographic talent

Choreographic circle

Communication talent

Social and personal talent

Test game “Is mom happy?”

Test game "Situations"

Temple, Durkey, Thomas test

Observation in free activity,

Analysis of the results of the parent survey

Educator through role-playing games

  • Specialists leading various clubs and sections conduct independent monitoring of the development of children’s abilities in their field using their own methods (input, intermediate and final diagnostics, analysis of the dynamics of changes, conclusions).
  • If the majority of indicators for all the results of a child’s study exceed the average norm for age-related development by approximately 30%, then we can talk about his general giftedness.
  • Questionnaires have been developed for parents to identify the general giftedness of children, adapted for different age groups.

3. Conditions for the implementation of the program.

  • Create individual routes for psychological and pedagogical support for gifted children.
  • Coordinate and integrate the activities of specialists and parents in this direction.
  • Develop an action plan for developing the creative abilities of kindergarten students.

The initial prerequisite for the development of abilities is innate inclinations.

Any inclinations must go through a long development path before turning into abilities. The first years of a child’s life are the most valuable for his future, and we must use them as fully as possible.

When favorable conditions are created in a preschool institution during the period of preschool childhood, a child can go from the first manifestations of inclinations to the bright blossoming of abilities and giftedness. Diagram 2 indicates the main conditions in kindergarten under which the development of a child’s giftedness will be most effective.

These conditions are:

  • the presence of specially trained, highly qualified additional education teachers and educators;
  • the presence of a rich subject-development environment that stimulates a wide variety of child activities;
  • creating an atmosphere of kindness and caring towards the child, an environment that creates a child’s sense of self-worth and encourages the manifestation of his individuality;
  • the presence of a personality-oriented educational system, which includes developmental programs in various areas of children's giftedness, taking into account both the personal and age characteristics of the child;
  • introduction of a system of psychological and pedagogical monitoring aimed at identifying the special abilities of children and tracking their further development;
  • the use of various non-traditional methods and techniques, gaming technologies in the work of teachers,
  • engaging children in free activities with educational games,
  • the work of clubs and sections that develop the child’s creative orientation;
  • participation of children in various holidays, sports competitions, role-playing games, exhibitions of children's creativity
  • close cooperation with families on the development of giftedness in their children;

You can also recommend that parents visit clubs and sections outside the kindergarten, such as “Lira”, “House of Creativity”, “DSHI”, “TsKiD”, and the “Olympus” sports complex. For children in the preparatory group, MBDOU No. 9 operates sports clubs in conjunction with primary classes.

It is good to stimulate children for further creative development through their participation in creative events between kindergartens, organized by the municipal department of education.

This program is designed for 1 year and is implemented in several stages:

  • the first stage is approbation of the program;
  • the second stage is re-diagnosis and analysis of the primary results;
  • the third stage is program correction.

At the testing stage the following is carried out:

  • A psychological and pedagogical study of the level of giftedness of kindergarten students, the result of which should be the creation of a “Data Bank on Gifted Children.” This study may take 1.5 – 2 months.
  • Analysis of the content of the “Data Bank for Gifted Children” by group teachers and specialists leading clubs and sections. Choosing a direction for the further development of each child, drawing up an individual route.
  • Primary diagnosis of children by specialists from clubs and sections in accordance with an individual route (beginning of the school year)
  • Correction of work programs of educators and specialists leading clubs and sections, taking into account an individual approach to gifted children
  • Developmental work with pupils in accordance with the child’s individual development path

Tentatively, this stage may last until the end of the first half of the year.

At the second stage(at the end of the first half of the year), specialists conduct intermediate diagnostics of students’ achievements, analyze the results, and correct work programs. The diagnostic results and conclusions for further work in this direction are entered into the “Data Bank on Gifted Children”

From the beginning of the second half of the year, a further program is carried out with the pupils, taking into account the correction of the specialists’ work programs.

At the end of the academic year there is third stage working with this program:

  • Teachers and specialists conduct final diagnostics of pupils in accordance with their individual routes;
  • The results of developmental work with gifted children are discussed, problems are identified;
  • This program is being adjusted in accordance with the identified problems.

4. Conclusion

Abilities, unlike inclinations, are an acquired quality. It is during the years of childhood (as opposed to adulthood) that the internal conditions for the formation of age-related development are simultaneously factors in the formation of abilities. Even a child’s weak abilities can be developed if you work with him purposefully and systematically. At the same time, good abilities, incl. talents that do not receive constant confirmation can be erased over time: if a child’s life is reduced to the wretchedness of biological existence, then only a small part of his capabilities is realized, a limited number of connections are formed between brain cells

Ability exists only in development; this development is carried out in the process of one or another practical or theoretical activity. During the 7 years of preschool childhood, the child’s rapid physiological and mental development occurs, and here his first inclinations and abilities appear, including creative ones, which should be noticed in time.

The results of developing creative abilities can be best when the family and kindergarten work closely together. if parents realize the importance of their influence on the development of the child’s personality and learn to organize the family’s free time, directing it to the development of the child’s creative abilities. But as surveys and questionnaires of parents show, a child’s home life is not particularly conducive to the development of the child’s creative potential. The vast majority of parents put educational and disciplinary values ​​first. Therefore, the kindergarten bears the main burden regarding the creative development of children.

Doctor of Psychological Sciences V.A. Molyako reveals in his works the essence of such a concept as “Creative potential” and identifies the following main components in its system:

Dominance of interests and motives.

Emotional involvement in activity.

The will to decide, to succeed.

General aesthetic satisfaction from the process and products of the activity.

Understanding the essence of the problem, task, situation.

Unconscious, intuitive problem solving.

Strategicality in intellectual behavior (personal ability to produce projects).

Multivariate solutions and forecasts.

The art of finding, choosing (ingenuity, resourcefulness).

The first years of a child’s life are the most valuable for his future, and we must use them as fully as possible. It is important to create a favorable psychological environment for a child’s activities, finding words support for new creative endeavors, treat them withsympathy and warmth. Gently, affectionately and unobtrusivelysupport the child's desire for creativity. In case of failure,he needs sympathy, and under no circumstances should he express disapproval of the child’s creative attempts.


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2. Bogoyavlenskaya M. “Problems of a gifted child” w/l “Obruch” 2005.

3. Burmenskaya G.V., Slutsky V.M.. Gifted children 1991. M..

4. Klimenko V.V. “Psychological tests of talent” St. Petersburg 1996.

5. The child’s giftedness: reveal, understand, support. M., 1998.

6. Psychology of giftedness in children and adolescents, edited by N.S. Leites. 2000. M.

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Analysis of pedagogical means for identifying signs of giftedness in the dance group “Step Forward”

In the context of the implementation of the pedagogical process at the Edelweiss Children's Educational Institution, the Step Forward dance group has accumulated some experience in working with gifted children.

First of all, it must be remembered that dance is an art form in which the artistic image is embodied through musically organized movement.

Choreography, like no other art, has enormous potential for the full aesthetic improvement of a child, for his harmonious and physical development. This, in turn, confirms that the child’s creative abilities will harmoniously develop, improving children’s creativity. Dance is a stage art that develops musical taste and virtuosity of movements, requiring many years of preparation. Dance plays an important role in the aesthetic education and physical development of children. This is due to the versatility of this genre of art, which combines the means of musical, plastic, ethical, artistic and physical development. All components are interconnected in the learning process. Systematic dance classes develop correct posture, help eliminate physical deficiencies, influence the formation of internal culture and the adoption of ethical standards.

The motivational aspect of the behavior of a child with choreographic talent can be described by the following features:

1. Experiencing a feeling of pleasure from the dance process, amazing perseverance and hard work manifests itself as a consequence of passion.

2. Insatiable curiosity, a willingness to go beyond initial requirements on one’s own initiative.

3. Rejection of standard, typical tasks and ready-made schemes.

4. High demands on the results of one’s own work, a tendency to set extremely difficult goals and perseverance in achieving them, the desire for perfection.

The following innovative pedagogical technologies are used in working with gifted children:

Diagnostic technologies. Technologies that allow identifying the potential of the participant’s creative abilities. This can be: screening students to identify their motor activity, plastic expressiveness, musical and rhythmic ear, performing a creative task;

Workshop. Development of communication abilities of team members. First of all, this is the holding of events, as well as independent (individual and collective) work that activates the creative potential of the participants;

Technologies of co-creation. The main condition for the implementation of this technology is the cultivation of a sense of tolerance;

Technologies for the formation of a psychophysical state. This technology is dominated by a soft approach, mainly meditation and relaxation techniques;

Technologies for liberation and removal of clamps include sets of exercises and studies to overcome psychological and physical obstacles to freely carry out a variety of stage activities;

Technologies for the development of plastic characteristics. Stretching, which is improvisational plastic exercises and tasks aimed at psychophysical liberation of the human body. Stretching is a synthesis of choreography and exercises for the development of plastic characteristics.

Technologies for creating an artistic image. Fantasizing the virtual reality of stage action has, as a rule, not external, but internal limitations. An image is the sensually perceived integrity of a work, which determines space, time, structure, relationships between the elements of a single work of art, and its atmosphere;

The Municipal Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children, the Center for Children's Creativity "Edelweiss", has developed an additional educational program of artistic and aesthetic orientation for children with choreographic talent.

Purpose of the program: provide psychological and pedagogical support for children with obvious and potential choreographic talent in a children's creativity center.

Program objectives:

1. Creation of an atmosphere in the educational team that stimulates students’ positive need for self-development, as well as the manifestation of potential talent, including choreographic talent: demonstration of faith in the success of students, saturation with communication with people who realize themselves in artistic and aesthetic activities;

2. Learn to express yourself freely, beautifully and organically in dance;

3. Teach elements of dances of various genres and directions;

4. Learn to create stage costumes with your own hands through modeling and sewing;

5. Learn to create an image and style through makeup and makeup

Goals and objectives of the educational process:

1. Creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening health, developing basic physical qualities and motor abilities.

2. Formation of the need for a culture of movement, optimal physical development, and a healthy lifestyle;

3. Formation of skills and abilities for self-improvement, self-control and self-knowledge;

4. Expanding the scope of knowledge about various types of motor activity, mastering movement techniques.

5. Nurturing strong-willed qualities: determination, perseverance, character formation, affirmation of an active life position, optimism.

6. Creating conditions for the development of the child’s personality, his creative abilities, for the mental and emotional well-being of children.

7. Fostering independence and initiative.

Indicators of the degree of expression of certain knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the program and year of education of the child are determined based on the results of monitoring based on comparative analysis and diagnostics.

During the period of training in the “Step forward” dance group, children receive a certain amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, the quality of which is checked regularly.

Testing of the learned material and the new topic is carried out through:

pedagogical observation during a training session;

pedagogical observation outside the classroom: on the street, indoors (communication with other people);

when organizing individual lessons;

through watching video material from the band’s concerts;

Monitoring of educational results is carried out in accordance with the monitoring system developed at the Edelweiss Central Children's Educational Institution.

Pedagogical monitoring in the association is carried out in the disciplines studied and is aimed at researching and recording the choreographic abilities of each child, the dynamics of his personal development.

Monitoring contains the following plan:

Monitoring the development of students’ choreographic abilities and recording the results achieved;

Generalization of results;

Analysis and evaluation of achieved results.

The following forms of diagnostics are used: observation, conversation, open lesson, concert and competitive performances. The results are monitored by conducting primary, intermediate, and final controls.

Primary control is carried out in October, its purpose is to determine the level or degree of children's creative abilities at the beginning of the children's education cycle. During the diagnosis, the level of preparedness of children for this type of activity, the forms and methods of working with these children, and the choice of training program are determined.

Interim control is carried out throughout the year with summing up at the end of the month. Its purpose is to sum up interim results and assess the success of students’ progress. During the diagnostics, the assessment of the success of the choice of technology and methodology is determined, and the learning results at this stage are analyzed.

Final diagnostics are carried out in April and May. The goal is to determine the level of training and development of children’s choreographic abilities.

Based on the results of monitoring, based on comparative analysis and diagnostics, adjustments are made to the program, forms and methods of teaching students.

This diagnosis also allows us to note the growth of the psychological and creative development of children. Students develop an adequate assessment of their own achievements and a desire for improvement.

Individual work is carried out, choreographing dances for specific children, taking into account their level of dance skill, plasticity, emotional emancipation and the peculiarities of their own presentation of the dance and stage image.

During its existence, the dance group “Step Forward” has achieved significant creative results.

Table 1

The effectiveness of children’s participation in competitions and events

Competition level and name


Year and place

Interregional competition “Five points”

Diploma II degree,

III degree diploma


Festival of Youth Creativity “Young Years”



Regional competition "Golden Ladder"

1st degree diploma

1st degree diploma

1st degree diploma

Diploma II degree,

II degree diploma

2009-2014 Poshekhonye, ​​Yaroslavl region

International competition “Big Change”

3rd degree laureates


Regional Competition "Golden Thread"

II degree diploma


1st All-Russian amateur creative competition among educational institutions “Consonance of Hearts”

Concert for Police Day



Concert for Disabled Persons Day



“Teacher of the Year” speech at the ceremony



Gala concert of the Golden Ladder festival



Reporting concert of the Center



Concert for Children's Day



Performance at the Golden Thread competition



Speech at City Day



During the observation of the group's classes, we noted that the teacher pays attention to how the children perform the task, how their activity is manifested, their attention is mobilized, and especially how the children overcome difficulties while mastering the material. During classes in the younger group, the teacher uses playful forms of work and performs all the exercises and dance movements together with the children. In the classes of the senior group, the teacher emphasizes the independence of students. Children choose their own repertoire and learn dance movements to stage the dance.

The teacher supports the interests of children, encourages their intermediate successes, leading them to achieve the final goal.

The author’s personal experience shows that the teacher uses joint master classes with students who have demonstrated special abilities. Such master classes are held at rural schools for children involved in dance associations.

In the process of research work, we conducted an interview with additional education teacher Vera Yuryevna Mosulina.

Topic of the interview: “The system of work of an additional teacher to identify giftedness in choreography.”

- Vera Yuryevna, do you monitor students’ results? And also your own results?

Yes, results monitoring is carried out three times a year: input, ongoing, final. At the end of the year, a table is drawn up showing how the level of creative, personal, theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities has changed in monitoring indicators.

I definitely keep track of my own results. At the end of the year I am writing a self-analysis of my activities. Based on the results of the year, I determine the strengths and weaknesses of my work, taking into account the adjustment of my activities, I draw up a plan for the next year.

- Do you identify children who show a high level of ability as gifted children?

Yes. In fact, a gifted child is a very multifaceted concept, because, as a rule, a gifted child is a child with extraordinary capabilities. But, as a rule, in practice it turns out that gifted children do not always have some special features in life or school.

In the younger group I have an absolutely wonderful example: Daniil Sokolov. He is not obedient, not assiduous, very temperamental, but, nevertheless, he is gifted in dancing. Danil’s dancing talent was not immediately visible; it was veiled by his complex character. After he opened up, he felt trust in the teacher. And only then did he start working and show what he really is. In order for giftedness to be revealed, it is necessary for each child to feel liberated, to feel the trust of the teacher, to be as busy as possible, to feel their own importance, professional growth, and self-satisfaction, both creative and social.

-What criteria help you assess the level of dance skills?

As such, the criteria for talent in choreography have not been defined. There are general criteria similar to other areas of giftedness. These are: musicality, sense of rhythm, plasticity, endurance, emotional emancipation, creative thinking.

- Vera Yuryevna, do you use any methods to identify talent in choreography? If so, which ones?

When working with gifted children, I also use didactic technologies that allow us to identify the potential of the participant’s creative abilities. This can be: screening students to identify their motor activity, plastic expressiveness, musical and rhythmic ear, performance of a creative task; conducting techniques to identify communication abilities; performing exercises and studies on liberation and removal of clamps; stretching, which are improvisational plastic exercises and tasks.

- How is selection for the association carried out?

I accept everyone into the association, since the children's creativity center is a place where children can come and try out different areas of activity. With natural selection, only those who can and want to dance remain, and put all their efforts and capabilities into it.

- At what age are children accepted into the association?

The association accepts children from 5 years of age who attend preparatory group.

- How are performance groups formed? Is there a “first line” approach?

In my association everyone dances: those who are good at it and those who are not so good, just like in most groups. Children who show a fairly high result are placed in the first line: technique, plasticity, emotionality. I never place special emphasis on the first line, although of course everyone wants to be there.

- What educational problems arise if there are several leaders?

In my work, I first of all distinguish between “true” leaders and “false” leaders. A true leader is given the opportunity to work and show the team that this is the person to follow.

- Do you plan special classes, forms, events in the association to identify special dance abilities?

Yes, these are various concerts, festivals, competitions that take place at various levels.

- Vera Yuryevna, do you build an individual route for children with choreographic talent?

Yes, there is an individual route. It is created in order to maximally develop children’s talents and give them the opportunity to realize themselves, achieve special results, and provide pre-professional training.

Conclusions on the second chapter

Thus, it was found that the Municipal Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children, the Edelweiss Center for Children's Creativity, has developed a system of work to identify and support gifted children. Events, festivals, competitions, and exhibitions are organized for children aimed at identifying and supporting creatively gifted children. Design and research activities are organized. An analysis of special successes and achievements is carried out, a data bank on talented and gifted children is created.

As a result of the research work, an analysis of pedagogical means for identifying children’s talent in choreography was carried out using the example of the activities of the dance group “Step Forward” MOUDOD CDT “Edelweiss”. An additional educational program that provides psychological and pedagogical support for children with obvious and potential choreographic talent was reviewed and studied, and an interview was conducted with an additional education teacher in choreography.

Having analyzed the activities of the team, we can conclude that the teacher’s work uses various pedagogical technologies, methods and methods aimed at identifying signs of giftedness in children in choreography. Also, for children who show high results, the teacher uses joint on-site master classes.

The study of a child’s choreographic abilities and the dynamics of his development is carried out using such a method as monitoring, which makes it possible to observe the development of choreographic abilities, record and summarize the results achieved, analyze and evaluate them. In addition, such forms of diagnostics are used as: observation, conversation, open lesson, concert and competitive performances. The results are monitored by conducting primary, intermediate, and final controls.

Adzhibatyrova Elmira Alavdinovna,

Additional education teacher (choreographer)



"Accompanying creatively gifted children

in the children's choreography association."

Creative abilities in children are revealed quite early. But as the American researcher H. Bloom emphasizes, “no matter what the abilities are at an early age, without active support and special teaching methods it is unlikely to reach certain peaks.” This is probably why parents bring children with pronounced acting, choreographic, artistic and musical abilities to additional education institutions.

A gifted child is a child who stands out for his bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another type of activity. One of the activities where a child’s talent is visible to the naked eye is choreography.

I am a teacher of additional education and the head of the children's choreography association “Pulse”. In group No. 1 of the choreographic association “Pulse” there is a girl, Adzhibatyrova Medina, whose strengths in choreographic development were identified using the diagnostic method. This is a very bright, musically gifted child, his performance and desire to achieve great success in the choreographic field speak about this. Her dancing abilities began to appear at the age of 3, and from this age the girl began dancing on stage. The girl has been studying with us at DYUTSE since 2015.

The pedagogical council of the children's and youth center decided that Medina, in addition to attending choreography classes in a group where she would learn the basics of choreography, would dance on an individual basis in order to perform on stage. Choreography classes revealed the girl’s excellent natural abilities, and the teacher began to develop them in the right direction. An individual educational route was developed, which took into account Medina’s creative abilities. This educational route is focused on the support and development of a gifted child, aimed at her personal development and success.

Main target individual educational route : provide pedagogical support to a child with obvious and potential choreographic talent in the conditions of the MBOU DO Gas-Salinsky Children and Youth Center.

The main form of organization of the educational process is an individual lesson, in which the student masters theoretical and practical material. Theoretical preparation includes no more than 7% of the class time. The rest of the time is spent on practical training.

Working with a gifted child is aimed at preparing the student to perform in front of an audience. During the production work, the student masters the musical and dance nature of the art. Creative initiative, imagination, the ability to convey music and the content of the image of movement are developed.

During the implementation of the route, Medina itself identified the following tasks for itself:

Learn to beautifully and accurately convey the nature of the dance movement.

Develop flexibility and plasticity.

The effectiveness of classes is assessed by the teacher in accordance with the program, based on whether the student has mastered everything that he was supposed to master during the school year. In everyday classes, independent practice of dance movements allows the teacher to assess how clear the educational material is and make appropriate changes.

The girl has the opportunity to show her musical, dancing, and emotional abilities by taking part in various concerts and events, competitions and festivals, showing off her achievements.

Since the first year of study, Medina has been a regular participant in regional, rural events, events taking place within the walls of the Children's and Youth Center. Her performances do not leave any viewer indifferent. I am pleased with Medina’s great desire to dance, learn new dances, and perform on stage.

Productivity. Participation in festivals and competitions.

1. Diploma of participation in the XIV regional folk art festival “All nations come visit us!” (nomination “Dance”)

2. Diploma for participation in the IV regional festival of creative duets “Two Stars”

3. Diploma for active participation in the ceremonial program dedicated to the opening of the Year of Youth Initiatives in the territory of the municipal formation Tazovsky district.

4. Diploma of the Laureate of the 1st regional competition “Minute of Fame - Dreams Come True”

5. Diploma for participation in the concert program “Let’s warm the heart with kindness”, as part of the celebration of Navruz Bayram, a holiday of the Turkic peoples.

Experience shows that often faith in a child’s capabilities, coupled with the skill of teachers and parents, can work miracles. In life, it often turns out that what is important is not even what nature gave a person, but what he was able to do with the gift that he has. The teacher’s task is not so much to measure giftedness, but to create an environment conducive to the disclosure of the student’s natural capabilities.

Report at the teachers' meeting

Topic: “Children’s talent in creativity”

(Slide 1 – title)

Human thinking and the ability to create are the greatest gift of nature. It is very important to understand that nature honors every person with this gift. But it is also obvious that she does not divide her gifts equally and rewards someone generously, without stinting, but bypasses someone. It is customary to call gifted someone whose gift clearly exceeds certain average capabilities, the abilities of the majority.

(Slide 2)

In various scientific sources, talent is characterized as highintellectual ability. But if we are talking about choreography, talent here consists of several components:

    Physical characteristics - flexibility, stretching, turning ability, jumping ability...

    Hearing and sense of rhythm, musicality

    Developed vestibular apparatus

    Coordination of movements

    Spatial representation

    Creative skills

All these components are inherent in a person from birth in unequal shares. Gifted children possess these qualities to a greater extent than others. But children with such a wide range of developed qualities are very rare. You need to see the presence of data in every child and be able to develop them.

(Slide 3)

This is the goal of my “Reflection” program, which is designed for 4 years for primary school children.

Target programs : Vnurturing a harmoniously developed personality through choreography and physical education using health-saving technologies.

(Slide 4)


    Ensure the harmonious, aesthetic and physical development of the child;

    Create conditions I for the development and self-realization of students through creative activities.

    Reveal the creative individuality of the child.

    Introduce children to universal and cultural values.

    Form communication skills.

    Develop a value-based attitude towards your health.

The program is facilitated by a full-day school.

(Slide 5)

As already noted, children with a wide range of developed qualities necessary for choreography are a rarity. For example, at the moment a gifted child is Yarova Alsou, a student of grade 4 “A”.

(Slide 6)

How to work with such a child? Obviously, the presence of high data requires additional efforts from the teacher aimed at working with it separately.

Therefore, specially during Yarovaya’s classes, Alsou is given additional tasks, separate classes are conducted with her, and individual lessons are created for her. dance numbers. With these numbers, Alsou participates in various competitions and wins prizes.

(Slide 7)

At the same time, Alsou is not cut off from the team and does not stand out to me among other children. Being an example for the children and a role model, Alsou is accustomed to helping her classmates achieve their goals. Children are drawn to her, showing great respect, and try to reach her heights. They clearly see what can be achieved and strive to repeat Alsou’s actions in everything. This increases the motivation and performance of all children.

It should be noted that a gifted child must bemotivated for creative activities. Because without motivation, all criteria for giftedness will come to naught.

(Slide 8)

However, the goals and objectives of the program should be implemented in relation to each child, revealing in each the ability, talent and giftedness that may be dormant in them, and they should be found, awakened and developed. To do this, first of all, you need to motivate children. This means that their activities should be bright and accompanied by bright costumes, interesting music, new ideas and real achievements to which they should strive.

(Slide 9)

The teacher should also motivate children to achieve results by their own example, especially at the beginning of their education. Before requiring a child to complete a task, the teacher must be able to demonstrate the completion of this task himself. When the teacher can do it, then the student can do it too. This gives birth to determination and diligence in children. Then there will be a result. And then encouragement becomes very important: praise from the teacher, applause from the audience at a concert, an award at a competition.

(Slide 10)

Striving for these heights, children learn in classeshelp each other, obey the laws of the collective, express your sympathies, sympathy, take responsibility for your health, notice the beauty in people around you and V yourself, to understand and feel the beautiful. (Slide 11) They acquire skills of cultural behavior, aesthetic feelings, positive emotions, skills of adequate self-esteem and a sense of self-worth.

(Slide 12)

All the work of the teacher would be impossible without the support of parents, who help in sewing costumes, accompany the team’s trips to competitions, where they participate in preparing the appearance of the children, provide moral support and financial charitable assistance. Only in an organic union of a teacher, children and parents is it possible to achieve any goals and results.

(Slide 13)

The result of our team’s activities is annual reporting concerts for parents and participation in all school events.

(Slide 14)

As well as participation in regional, city and international competitions.

(Slide 15)

Where our team takes prizes and receives awards: diplomas and certificates.