Predictions for the year of Capricorn woman

The astrological forecast for 2018 is calculated for pronounced (typical) representatives of the Capricorn sign. If the overwhelming number of luminaries and planets in your horoscope are in the sign of Capricorn, then you are a typical representative of this sign. Atypical representatives are, as a rule, people born on the border of signs.

Capricorn horoscope for 2018: joy and luck

In 2018, Jupiter will be in Capricorns' 11th house - the area of ​​friends and communities until November 9, when it moves to the next 12th house - the house of voluntary or forced isolation and various secrets. Sometimes it is also called the house of secret enemies and restrictions.

Public life

As it is written in the horoscope for 2018, Capricorns will set goals for themselves, and representatives of this sign will require almost no work to achieve them. Capricorns will communicate a lot with people, perhaps they will join some kind of organized group or community. Such communities can engage in charitable or religious activities, and often serve people absolutely selflessly. And in 2018, Capricorns themselves will often be haunted by thoughts about how they could benefit all of humanity. Representatives of the Capricorn sign will be so sociable and noticeable that many such communities themselves will sincerely want to get such a member. Capricorns will not have a shortage of such offers; they themselves will be able to choose where to join. Most of them will make new friends. It is also possible that the family will grow, to which Capricorns will devote a lot of time and will be endlessly devoted.

According to the horoscope for 2018, Capricorn will become extremely popular. They will enjoy sincere sympathy and trust from others, will be able to make new influential acquaintances who will provide them with full protection and support, thanks to which they will strengthen their financial and social position. In 2018, Capricorns will seem to attract all kinds of patrons and sponsors. As for work, the most successful will be the type of activity that requires joint work. Fate will also smile on politicians, diplomats, leaders of various ranks, researchers, and travelers. In general, in 2018, travel will be very useful for Capricorns and can bring great benefits.

If the planet is defeated, Capricorns will use the favor of friends and others for personal selfish purposes, resolutely refusing to comply with any specific rules. Self-affirmation at the expense of others will not bring any benefit, despite more and more new acquaintances and offered patronage, Capricorns will fail.

An indicator of how correctly Capricorns behave will be the fullness and activity of their social environment. If life here is in full swing, then Capricorns will faithfully fulfill their destiny. If it has calmed down, and representatives of this sign even feel somewhat isolated, this means that they have fallen into one of the traps or are not putting in enough effort, or are putting it in the wrong place. In this case, you will need to relax a little and try to look at the problem from the outside.

Spiritual life

Almost at the end of 2018, namely on November 9, Jupiter in Capricorn leaves the 11th house and moves to the 12th. It is often called one of the most mysterious houses of the zodiac circle. Indeed, under the influence of Jupiter in this area, Capricorns will be able to discover the presence of some secret enemies in their lives, however, they will quickly be able to turn them into friends. In most cases, this house is associated with all sorts of philosophical teachings that help to comprehend the secret meaning of life. It is not surprising that at the end of 2018 many Capricorns may feel an unexpected inclination to study philosophy, esotericism, theology and theosophy, and other spiritual teachings or practices. Under the influence of Jupiter, representatives of this sign will quickly achieve significant success in this area, to the point that they themselves will explain the meaning of the teaching to others, that is, they will become guru teachers.

The presence of Jupiter in the 12th house favors travel for educational purposes, the desire to comprehend the secrets of earthly civilization and the creation of the world.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn: difficulties and trials

Saturn, the planet of difficulties and trials, will be in Capricorns’ 1st house in 2018 - the house of human personality. This means that all the main lessons for Capricorns will be related to this area.


As the horoscope for 2018 predicts, Capricorns will have a strong desire for personal power. They will seem to want to catch up as quickly as possible. This will be greatly facilitated by Capricorns’ own shyness and lack of self-confidence. They will be actively involved in all ongoing events, trying to take control and responsibility over them. With an afflicted planet, strong egoism is likely to manifest, although in general, Capricorns will strive to behave with dignity. They will take everything that is entrusted to them or that they have taken upon themselves very seriously, while showing remarkable endurance.

To some, representatives of this sign may seem too cold. In fact, Capricorns will think clearly and clearly, they will always come to the aid of friends and simply those who are nearby. As for manifestations of carelessness, Capricorns in 2018 will consider it inappropriate and even somewhat frivolous. Why waste time? Less words - more action, this will be their main motto during this period.

According to the Capricorn 2018 horoscope, he will definitely lack a sense of humor. But this is all because gaining confidence and personal freedom will be very difficult for them. It is important at this time to moderate your own ambition a little and not fall into the trap of a materialistic approach to life. Capricorns will always and everywhere strive to defend their own interests, because it will seem to them that only they themselves can do this, and no one else. Some representatives of this sign may appear unfriendly and aloof, while they will devote all their energy to work. Even if their health begins to fail, which is very easy to deplete with such a rhythm of life.

If they decide that someone around them is to blame for the failure, Capricorns will not show open aggression towards this person; they will prefer to take revenge covertly, with the help of intrigue, at the moment when the enemy decides that the confrontation is over and he has won. At the same time, if Capricorns show more good nature and willingness to cooperate, they will be able to achieve much greater success. The 2018 Capricorn horoscope says that he can achieve something only through his own merits and persistent painstaking work. Therefore, any project they undertake will be very well calculated and planned in the most careful manner. And this approach will indeed pay off over time.

Throughout 2018, representatives of the Capricorn sign will tend to limit themselves in literally everything. To those who are nearby, they will seem gloomy, gloomy and overly stingy. Capricorns will strive to accumulate material values ​​as a source of a prosperous life and well-being, including for their entire family. On the other hand, they will be very helpful and attentive towards their friends and loved ones.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn: surprises and surprises

In 2018, the ruler of surprises, Uranus, will be in the 4th house of Capricorns until May 15 - the house of parents and home. It then moves to the 5th house - the house of play, entertainment, sex and children.


During the first 5 months of 2018, unexpected events and changes may occur for Capricorns in everything related to home, traditions and family, especially parents. For example, representatives of this sign will unexpectedly change their place of residence. Or they will leave their family and go traveling. There will be no stability in relations with family; complete chaos may reign here. The 2018 horoscope for Capricorn reports that representatives of the sign this year will not be at all inclined to remain alone. but they will demand that their relatives give them complete freedom of action and choice. In turn, those may not like this, which will provoke long-term conflicts.

Some representatives of the Capricorn sign may make renovations to their home in 2018, and it may turn out to be very unusual. Others may build a whole house of unusual and original architecture and move there. In general, in everything related to the home life of Capricorns, during this period all sorts of changes, moves and rearrangements of furniture are possible - yes, anything! Capricorns can begin to reform the family itself as a whole; they will be a source of change and renewal in it.

Romance and children

from May 15, 2018, Uranus in Capricorn moves into the area of ​​games, entertainment, sex and children. The main changes will take place in this area.

The 2018 horoscope for Capricorns indicates that this year they will be overwhelmed with plans and creative ideas that will seem very reasonable and promising to them. However, most of these projects will remain unrealized because they will face many obstacles. Or Capricorns themselves, having carefully weighed and calculated everything, as is typical for this sign, will prefer to abandon them or postpone them for an indefinite time.

Big changes will also occur in the sexual life of representatives of this sign. Mainly, they will concern the diversity and number of partners that Capricorn can change in 2018. And also their qualities. During this period, under the influence of Uranus in the 5th house, Capricorns will be inclined to associate themselves with the most eccentric and unusual partners imaginable. Never before would they have allowed themselves this, but now it’s as if something will push them forward all the time. In sex, they will want variety and unusualness, and sex itself will be more reminiscent of a game rather than a serious feeling. Usually reserved Capricorns will behave completely unpredictably. In 2018, Capricorns may unexpectedly fall in love and, relying on their seething feelings, quickly get married. And after a very short time, get divorced again, realizing that they made a mistake. There is a high probability of having unplanned or illegitimate children. Or adoption.

As for professional activities, here too in 2018 Capricorns will strive to break the usual foundations and go beyond the usual boundaries. This will especially affect those areas or issues that require competition - during this period Capricorns will strive for any competition. And although they will not always emerge victorious, the process itself, the element of the game, will give them great pleasure. Therefore, there is a great danger of getting involved in some kind of adventure of a very dubious nature.

Capricorn horoscope for 2018: mysterious and spiritual

The spiritual teacher Neptune will be with representatives of the Capricorn sign in 2018 in the 3rd house of relatives, inner circle and information.


Neptune's presence in the 3rd house will give Capricorns an extremely rich imagination. Sometimes it will seem to others that representatives of this sign are literally sleeping on the move and talking about what they see in their dreams. On the one hand, this will be good. But on the other hand, it can cause difficulties if you need to focus on some important issues. Some Capricorns will awaken a gift for writing and literary creativity. Perhaps they will try to create under a pseudonym. Capricorns will be able to wonderfully describe everything that they picture in their imagination. Neptune in the 3rd house will give their speech a special grace, both oral and written.

Some Capricorns in 2018 may show an interest in esotericism and certain extrasensory abilities. It is possible that they will even start a website or blog on the Internet where they will explain many things related to this area and share what they have learned so far. Everything supernatural and inexplicable in 2018 will be of extreme interest to representatives of this sign. Developed intuition will help you understand practical issues.

It is not surprising that Capricorns may have misunderstandings with others, to whom they will seem, at least, strange, “not of this world.” In turn, this will lead to increased shyness of Capricorns and to the fact that they can literally withdraw into themselves and become extremely cautious in establishing new contacts. It will be difficult for them to communicate even with close relatives.

When engaged in intellectual activities, Capricorns will generate many interesting and fruitful ideas. They themselves will be actively interested in all new information, especially on issues close to them, and will even begin to process it in their own unusual way. Some representatives of this sign will study foreign languages, which will be extremely easy for them during this period. Others will go on a journey, and it will turn out to be extremely interesting and educational. Capricorns will explore this world and everything that it presents to them with great interest.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn: major changes

In 2018, Pluto will be in Capricorns’ 1st house - the house of human personality. Major changes are to be expected in this area.

Personal development

The presence of Pluto in the house of a person’s personality gives Capricorn unprecedented determination and the ability to withstand any resistance, even very strong ones. It will not be easy for those around you to cope with their pressure. When Pluto is affected, Capricorns can show significant temper, often completely uncontrollable, which will also not contribute to establishing contacts with others. A strong will and the ability for deep analysis, the desire to get to the very essence of the issue in literally everything can be combined with an unexpectedly emerging ability for clairvoyance. The Capricorn horoscope for 2018 predicts that representatives of the sign will be literally overwhelmed with powerful energy. They themselves will be the source and feeding force of the powerful changes that will take place around them. Even if they get sick during this period, they will return to normal very quickly. Although representatives of this sign will generally pay a lot of attention to their health, prefer healthy and wholesome nutrition to delicacies, and perhaps even go in for sports. Unfortunately, all their concern will be about the body, but Capricorns can forget about mental health, which is often no less important.

All of the above, combined with pronounced individualism, will create many problems for Capricorns in their personal lives and at work in 2018. The active unceremoniousness of representatives of this sign will sometimes reach the point of cruelty. Behind this mask there will be a lack of confidence in one’s own strengths and one’s own personality. If from time to time Capricorns do not receive some kind of release and do not rest, this can lead to nervous breakdowns, deep depression and other serious psychological illnesses. To avoid this, representatives of the sign will have to devote more time to their mental improvement, psychological and spiritual practices.

Horoscope for 2018 Capricorn: the vector of your destiny

In 2018, the ascending Northern Lunar Node will be located in Capricorns in the 8th house - the house of birth and death, egregor changes, crises. Accordingly, the descending South Node of the Moon will be in the 2nd house - the area of ​​​​material values, money and property

This position of the nodes suggests that in 2018 Capricorns will need to overcome their desire to accumulate material values ​​and possessiveness. Another lesson that representatives of this sign should learn in this difficult time for them is to learn self-control, humility, the ability to accept help from other people and be grateful for it. The desire to dominate everything can lead to the loss of what you have and the complete destruction of your life. Capricorns will need to devote more time to intellectual development, study of spiritual practices, and accept the value of those people who are next to them. This will contribute to the purification of karma, up to complete metamorphosis. In 2018, Capricorns are given the opportunity to radically change their lives for the better. During this period, there is no need to accumulate material wealth - the main priority is to accumulate the treasures of your soul.

In principle, studying is the same work, and is in almost the same area of ​​interest, so we do not separate these concepts in our horoscopes on the website

So for those who are still learning enough for themselves, instead of the word work, insert the word study in our horoscopes.

Capricorn horoscope for 2018 work, career, business and study.

In the professional sphere, the horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn will be under the sign of change, and you will not have to stop to cut off what connects you with the past and which you want to get rid of. Although at the very beginning of 2018 you will not like all this very much, and you will experience long hours of doubt (possibly even at night). This can cause you to withdraw into yourself, and even sometimes become extremely aggressive towards others. Especially if your doubts torment you at night, because Capricorns who have not had enough sleep are worse than those who have had enough sleep. Still, Capricorns, try not to go too far with your sarcasm and try to tone down your comments. Especially regarding colleagues.

Although in the first months at work, literally everything will irritate you. From the series on Monday - we move away from the weekend, Tuesday - we remember what we need to do, Wednesday - we work, Thursday - we prepare for Friday, Friday - we prepare for the weekend. Conclusion: maybe stop working on Wednesdays already!

on Monday - we move away from the weekend, Tuesday - we remember what we need to do, Wednesday - we work, Thursday - we prepare for Friday, Friday - we prepare for the weekend. Conclusion: maybe stop working on Wednesdays already!

So in the first months of 2018, Capricorns need to work more not on work, but on their relationship to work, and at work. Fortunately, the spring of 2018 will change a lot in your professional field. The pace and nervousness at work will decrease significantly, but you will have new prospects and real opportunities to change something in your professional field. You will find yourself in the right place, and at the right time, you will skillfully show off your best qualities in front of colleagues and superiors, even if you are a Capricorn woman, and your best quality is breast size of the third size. Well, in this regard, it will be easier for Capricorn women, because Spring is an excellent occasion for a deep neckline and a short skirt. But Capricorn men will have nothing to show except their professionalism. Since you can’t count on moving up the career ladder through flirting or office romance in the spring of 2018.

Spring 2018 will be a time when you can calmly reap what you patiently sowed in previous years. If you planted a good reputation, reliability and responsibility, then this is what you will get. And if you sowed them with weeds and intrigues, then don’t be afraid, they don’t sprout - it’s not a garden job. And whatever your situation and the size of your ambitions, in the spring of 2018 you will find opportunities to realize them. Your perseverance in the spring of 2018 will be precisely “Capricorn”, because at some point you must receive dividends from your natural stubbornness.

The key month of Spring 2018 will be April. As we already warned in the monthly horoscope, in April 2018 Capricorns must be very careful in the professional sphere. Unforeseen events can seriously destabilize the situation. Therefore, try not to make the situation worse by multiplying it with your indiscretion. Moreover, some Capricorns in April 2018 will be tempted to give up work because of some momentary whim or under the influence of the strongest argument “I’m fed up.”

But the fact is that regardless of your current plans at work, April 2018 is the ideal time to overcome obstacles. So think of April as a practice run around an obstacle course, not a lunch break that leaves you wanting to say, “I'm fed up.” Finally, you will have the opportunity to show yourself fully and, as a result, receive the right assessment and help from influential or competent people.

While looking for a job, your 2018 career horoscope will be clear and sunny. So if you have been looking for a long time for a place where you can realize yourself and fill your wallet, in 2018, double your efforts and rewrite your resume. This should work. It’s not for nothing that they say that when you have an interesting job, your dreams are more interesting, and your solitaire game is better. And don't be afraid of the new team. Here’s a girl, Dasha, throughout the first week at her new job she was nice, polite and friendly, and all the employees were nice, polite and friendly, and communicated wonderfully. Then she accidentally couldn’t resist and said “fuck,” and everyone breathed a sigh of relief and began talking like normal people.

Career horoscope for 2018 suggests. Capricorns, try to remember your weak point - this is that you analyze for too long and lose your pace and speed of reaction. Be that as it may, in 2018, knowing where and how to take risks, you must react as quickly as possible. In the Year of the Dog, no one will wait for you to make up your mind, and your competitors will be the first to do the “fetch.” This could be either a profitable deal or a profitable vacant place.

The main thing, Capricorns, is that 2018 is a great time for your professional growth, and throughout the year you will definitely have the opportunity to demonstrate what you are capable of. And don’t be upset if you have a terrible urge to eat at night, but if you have a urge to work at night, then this is already too much..

Capricorn horoscope for 2018 Finance.

On the financial side, your 2018 horoscope will be well structured and your motto: security. We don’t know whether you carry condoms in your wallet or not, but the horoscope recommends safe sex with money in 2018. Although, judging by your horoscope, your natural analytical mindset will become your real piggy bank in 2018. You will plan your budget wisely, distributing your unexpected expenses and even the unexpected expenses of your loved ones. However, everyday life will not be entirely rosy, especially because your frugal lifestyle and responsible attitude to spending will often irritate your loved ones. Therefore, Capricorns, try to know when to stop when it comes to saving. This is especially true for Capricorn men, so that it doesn’t look like a conversation on the phone: “Yes, lapul, yes, I bought a house in Spain, and a new jeep, okay, I can’t talk about everything, there’s no money on the phone.” Therefore, the financial horoscope for 2018 strongly recommends that you find a balance between strictness and excessive generosity in the relationship between your money and the desires of your loved ones. Financial investments will be provided with astral help and support from mid-summer; it is quite possible that you will be offered some interesting option, either work or investment. In the second half of 2018, especially between June 29 and July 26, 2018, take them very seriously!

So, in general, in 2018, finances will flow into Capricorn’s wallet not “for something,” but “in spite of it.” And most often “contrary” to common sense, so treat money with care and love in 2018.

Capricorn is one of the most stable and firmly standing signs; Aries and Taurus combined will envy his stubbornness in all matters. But the older a representative of this sign gets, the more difficult it is for him to compromise both with himself and with his conscience. The Queen of the Year Dog will calmly look at his behavior, however, until it begins to harm others, which is also not uncommon.

General trends

Throughout 2018, Capricorn will pull the blanket over itself. He believes that he is always right in everything, and in order for everything to work out the way he planned, everyone around him must obey only this strong representative of the earthly element. Despite the fact that the Year of the Rooster was difficult for him, and they very often, so to speak, disagreed with him in principles and opinions. The dog is more pragmatic and consistent, which Capricorns really like. Their life will stabilize and there will be confidence in the future. They will boldly lead everyone who is next to them on the path. Trust them, representatives of the earthly element will not lead you down a bad path, they will think through their every step. By the way, it is best not to rush anyone in this matter, since these people usually think for a long time, make any decisions carefully and not in one day.

Stubbornness does not always lead to good results. Unfortunately, they do not listen to anyone, and having made a decision they will not move to the side, even if the other party is right. Because of this, disagreements may arise with work colleagues, especially with superior people. Capricorns who have set themselves the goal of making a career move in 2018 need to be very, very careful in their expressions and actions, otherwise your hopes will not come true.

Capricorn love horoscope

Capricorns are very selective in love; they look closely at their partner for a long time before making their choice. But after they have done it, they make loyal and caring family men or wives. Every step they take will be taken for the sake of the family and for the family. Loving people just have to not irritate or put pressure on the one who cares about them.

The beginning of the year should be left for comfortable rest and recuperation, because the Rooster made the representative of this constellation work very hard and get nervous. Every day was devoted to work and putting your own affairs in order, so throughout January you need to remain quiet and not get to know your potential other half. It is important. First, your exhausted mind may miss the “me” and find something completely unsuitable for you. Secondly, you may simply start to get irritated over every little thing and annoy everyone around you.

Starting from mid-February, you can think about love and romantic games. In March and April, some of you will get the chance to meet your other half. There is one small nuance here: from the very beginning there should be not just sympathy, but mutual understanding between you. The stronger the friendship between you, the stronger the future relationship will be.

Summer will be a testing period for love. The reason may be a short separation, business trips, jealousy.

The autumn period, as our ancestors said, is good for weddings. In addition, the earthly element that patronizes this sign will help maintain the stability of a future marriage, be long and fertile.

Towards the end of the year, the horoscope advises all free representatives of this sign to give up all their urgent matters and urgently start organizing their personal lives. Although, of course, this should have been done earlier. The Year of the Dog is most suitable for creating a cozy family corner. If you are an ardent bachelor and do not want to change anything in your life, then put all your energy into completing work and financial matters.

Money horoscope for the year of the Dog

Financial stability will come to Capricorns; they worked so hard last year that the Dog will not test them this year either. The money invested will begin to generate income, and frequent expenses will significantly decrease. Possible business trips will improve your financial condition; the horoscope advises you not to shy away from them.

The winter period will be passive in relation to income growth, but stable. Large expenses are also not expected. In the spring, many representatives of the earth element will have the opportunity to make excellent investments and earn outside income. Advice to the female half of this sign: don’t take on too much, you can overstrain yourself and literally fall ill. Leave financial issues to your men, work for pleasure. Of course, this state of affairs concerns only those women whose rear is covered by a reliable male back. Although such advice may seem ridiculous to single ladies, it is still worth listening and turning your attention to the children for whom you work so hard. Perhaps at the moment, they need your attention more than good financial security. Don't forget that family values ​​come first in 2018.

Summer is a time for excellent business trips; it makes sense to hold off on vacation for now. Many people believe that summer is a stagnant period for business, but this is not always the case. Businessmen never rest at all. Ordinary Capricorn employees in the summer months, when a good half of their colleagues have gone “across the seas,” are given the opportunity to distinguish themselves in front of their boss.

Autumn can be reserved for relaxation. The housewife herself becomes lazy and slow in the fall, why don’t you relax with her?

You must complete your business before the end of the year. The dog likes things to be simple. At the same time, she must take care of her future, therefore, while working for a whole year, do not forget to “bury a bone” for the next year, 2019. And, be careful, the Pig just loves to spend money.

Capricorn health in 2018

At the beginning of 2018, gourmet Capricorns may suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you don’t go on a diet in a timely manner, there is a high probability of gaining extra pounds.

Due to your weakness for tasty food, you are not at risk of vitamin deficiency; your body is still full of strength. But by the month of May, perhaps, it’s time to remember both a healthy diet and adequate physical activity, otherwise the body will fail. Both pharmaceutical and natural products are excellent for obtaining vitamins. An excellent appetite and “workaholism” undermine health, so you should not forget about a sufficient amount of water, which helps your body renew its cells, cleanse the body of toxins, and cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol. Preparing yourself for the hot summer period will also be useful.

In the fall, it is important to eat well and properly, regain your strength before next summer, because in the future, you will have to work even harder to satisfy the patroness of the year. Try not to catch a cold; autumn colds can be persistent. The weak point will be the nose and, accordingly, the ears; beware, the disease may drag on.

By the end of the year, Capricorns face the danger of injury, ranging from dislocations to fractures. Be careful and take your time, especially for the fairer sex, who often “run” through life much more than men.

Capricorn woman horoscope

Women of this sign are unbearably stubborn, which the Dog does not support at all. The stars warn you: you should not always and not everywhere show this side of your character. There is a high probability of petty and unnecessary quarrels precisely because of your stubbornness. Especially beware of arguing with your superiors and your other half. Every argument you have is a step towards a possible separation. Give in in small things, give in in big disputes, even when you are sure that you are right. Your methods of proving it are very pushy and annoying. Sometimes it is better to step back and wait to resolve the issue. Weigh the evidence of your rightness, write it on paper, in the end, and give it to your opponent to read. Perhaps with a fresh mind and peacefully you will achieve much greater results.

Women who have adult children should think about whether you are imposing your opinion on them a little. It may be worth giving individuals separate from you the green light to make their own decisions. Mothers of teenagers should let go of the rules and let their children choose their own route. Of course, you don’t need to stop watching them completely, just help them become more confident and independent. You can observe and control from afar. Remember: the golden mean is the right decision in all aspects of life.

For single ladies, the Year of the Dog will be an excellent time to resolve this issue. An ardent supporter of family life, she will lead you to various acquaintances and romances, so that you can quickly find your other half. The horoscope recommends that when meeting a potential groom, you should not scare him off with your assertiveness. Remember: we reveal the strengths of our character little by little.

Horoscope of Capricorn Men

In the year of the Earth Dog, it is important for Capricorn men to stay with their family. Very often work becomes almost the only value, which is extremely wrong! The patroness will support you in any business or career endeavors, but only if you do not approach this issue fanatically.

We earnestly ask men - do not quarrel with your family over trifles. Petty quarrels not only exhaust you, they take up a lot of your health and time. Give in more, the mistress of the year is not stubborn, she is pliable and faithful to her loved ones. Support your children in their honest endeavors and creative ideas. Both boys and girls need the good opinion of family authority.

Single men of this sign will be able to improve relationships on the love front and even start a family. 2018, in general, is a great time for marriage and serious relationships. Be sure to devote time to travel, perhaps this is where the most amazing novels and adventures await you. Good times will be in August and September.

As summer approaches, be sure to get involved in sports, regardless of age. Improving your health and improving your appearance after a long winter will not harm anyone.

Compared to other signs, you will face many more trials, but, as you know, difficulties strengthen you. You will need to review your entire life, goals, and objectives. A financial issue may arise. If you rise above the bustle, you will see that you are required to completely change your nature, worldview, and habits. You will find an outlet in friends who will always be by your side.

Life line

This year is rare in significance, because now the structure of your personality is completely determined and the future direction of life is determined. You can safely leave everything unnecessary overboard, taking with you on a long voyage only the essentials: the most important values, principles, beliefs. There is a test of determination and at the same time endurance, because any achievements this year will be given only as a result of hard work and patience. Along with these already serious conditions, there will be a special period of testing in your life until August. It will be connected with your own “I”, with decision-making, doubts, anxieties and, of course, responsibility for yourself, for your inner world and external self-expression. You may find that big things don't come easy to you, and it may be worth waiting to see which goals actually turn out to be true. Until August, check yourself and do not take drastic steps: you can only prepare for changes, clear the external and internal space.

From August, you will be able to see yourself in a more objective light and understand what you really need in life, and you will also be able to build a strategy for achieving your goals.

One of the most difficult months is April. You will want to do something drastic - to “blow up” the situation around you, showing enormous strength and energy. But the consequences can be quite severe, primarily for yourself. Avoid dangerous situations, do not get into conflicts, take care of yourself in all respects. If you lead other people, you can emerge as a real dictator.

The main task of the year is related to the fact that you must learn to live without reserves and savings (we will talk about this in more detail below), truly understand the impermanence and frailty of earthly existence, learn to take conscious risks, and accept any difficult situations with calm and endurance. You may feel on edge most of the year, going through various tests. At the end of the year, the situation will calm down, and your tasks will shift towards creating a serious relationship - the time will come to give up individualism and learn to be together. Get ready - a partner is about to appear in your life.


Despite the fact that the year is difficult, everything in your personal life is going well. Until August, you have every chance to improve relationships, strengthen them, and achieve true harmony (despite your difficult character and desire to command everyone who is nearby). You are truly lucky to have a partner who is able to understand and accept you for who you are. Appreciate your soul mate, now this is the most reliable rear. If you have not yet met a worthy life partner, then acquaintance may not be far off. By the way, unexpected romantic adventures are possible between May and October. Meetings may suddenly give way to partings, but remember that all this is just a preparation for more serious events. In general, the whole summer is quite positive in terms of love and relationships, a very good month is July, as you will be able to decide what exactly you want from your personal life and get all the wonderful things you dreamed of. And at the very end of the year, you will have to accept the challenge from fate and finally risk parting with your freedom and independence: the time will come to begin a truly life together with your chosen one.

There may be some instability in the family unit. For example, you will have to live in two houses or travel frequently, change apartments, cities and even countries. This does not threaten trouble, you just need to get used to the changes and act in time according to the circumstances.

Career and business

You have already achieved career heights last year, and now it is much more important to think about self-realization in a broader sense of the word. In this regard, there will be many tests, and, of course, they can affect your professional activities and business.

In general, this year you will become much more serious, purposeful, but at the same time ambitious. If, due to the nature of your work, you are forced to obey the will of others and endure orders from the outside, then now you may not be able to stand it and declare yourself. Well, if you are a leader, you can become too tough. Try not to cross the line and remember humanity.

This year it is good to enlist the support of patrons, conduct socially useful activities, and participate in charitable and other social programs.

The financial side this year will require a competent attitude. The fact is that the tasks of the year are such that you will be forced to limit yourself to the minimum. It is better to invest all savings and other surpluses on time, since life itself can save you from them. The question may come up head on at the end of July and August. It is better to invest the accumulated funds wisely. From August, the financial situation will become more difficult, and there is a risk of losses. We do not recommend doing business, especially betting on quick money. And even more so, you cannot participate in any dishonest business schemes. In June, July, August and September, conflicts and clashes based on finances are possible. In November and December the situation will be a little calmer, but difficulties will remain. A possible solution is to find a reliable business partner or a strong patron; at the end of the year you should think about this.


Capricorn kids will show everyone that they are the ones in charge in the house, family, and on the playground. Coping with a baby is now quite difficult: the already stubborn Capricorns are practically impossible to educate. If you can’t cope, then call your grandmother (or better yet, grandfather), a teacher, or an experienced nanny for help. It may seem to you that the baby is taking out all his grievances on you and showing all the worst qualities of his character. If your age coincides with the crisis of independence (2-3 years), then you will have a particularly “hot” time. And yet, remember the good things - after all, the crisis will definitely pass, and your child will learn to win his place in the world, defend boundaries and achieve his goals.

Younger schoolchildren can nullify all the efforts of teachers, and if the child does not exhibit exemplary behavior, then a real “monster” can awaken in him. Character may not appear at its best. Don't panic: some things can be forgiven, but others should be stopped immediately. For example, you should be alert for any signs of cruelty towards people or animals (especially if your child is 8-9 years old). Under no circumstances should you let things go; punishment is necessary, but be sure to explain why such behavior is unacceptable. In the second half of the year, pay attention to how the child communicates with the material world - it's time to fight greed.

For teenagers, the crisis will manifest itself in full - especially in everything connected with a change in authority. The main authority will be the reference group (peers). By the way, Capricorn teenagers now have very good relationships with their friends, so there may be wonderful guys surrounded by your child who will have a positive influence on your stubborn one. If a teenager belongs to the “difficult” category, then be careful - negative aspects of the personality may appear that cannot be ignored. It will be the most difficult for 17-year-olds (and it will also be the most difficult for parents with them). It is also important to know that teenagers will now be inclined to experiment in the sexual sphere; try to instill in them that sex should be safe.


Since the year as a whole is a crisis for you, you need to pay attention to your health. The head and all the organs located on it are most at risk. Jumps in blood and intracranial pressure, pain in the eyes, problems with hearing and teeth may occur. Take care of yourself and be careful as the risk of head injuries increases.

In the second half of the year, pay attention to the condition of your neck; osteochondrosis may worsen. There is also a risk of colds, sore throats, laryngitis, inflammation of the joints of the hands and feet.


The coming year promises Capricorns a lot of pleasant events. Representatives of the sign will have good luck in many areas of life - in career, love relationships, health. The main thing is not to rush things and let them take their course. The Capricorn horoscope for 2018 helps to strengthen such characteristics as endurance, subtle mind, determination, which can be found in the description of the zodiac sign.

What awaits Capricorn in 2018

The first months may seem difficult, but difficulties will be easily overcome. Enemies will disappear from sight. Obstacles will be removed without problems. Until spring, Capricorns will feel the influence of stars of an ambiguous nature. The positive impact will tip the scales if Capricorn shows the self-control characteristic of this element. It will take hard work. It is recommended to take matters into your own hands more often.

In many matters, restraint is needed. You will have to give up many contacts. The desire for financial stability prevails. This may have a negative impact on family life, since Capricorns will devote most of their time to career growth. The Capricorn sign horoscope for 2018 promises profitable offers for changing professional activities.

Lonely Capricorns are advised to take a closer look at their surroundings. Already in the first months, there is an opportunity to meet a person with whom you can experience a vibrant romance and build a warm, stable relationship. Being a self-sufficient person, Capricorn will have difficulty adapting to a new way of life. You will need organization and a desire to meet your goals.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn woman

The Year of the Dog will bring happiness to Capricorn ladies in their personal lives. They will need to follow their intuition. 2018 for the Capricorn woman will be an excellent start to building relationships. There will be many fans nearby. You should take a closer look at the chosen one. The characteristics of family relationships for 2018 are the predominance of stability and harmony. Possible deterioration in health. By September, Capricorn women will be able to express themselves in the workplace.

Horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn man

The first months will require caution. At this time, it is better not to plan any major purchases or implementation of important projects. In the second half of the year, representatives of this sign will be rewarded for their efforts in business and professional success. When doing business, you can count on large contracts. With a different type of activity, there will be a noticeable increase in the sphere of influence. The family expects harmonious relationships, the maintenance of which will require attentiveness to the feelings of loved ones.

Health horoscope for Capricorn for 2018

Conflicts with colleagues and the need to give 100 percent at work can lead to deterioration in heart function. This will be affected by lack of sleep, worries and nervous situations. You should be attentive to your health, the condition of your blood vessels, and if certain symptoms are detected, promptly go for examination.

If there are health problems, it is recommended to solve them at the beginning of the year. By September it is important to strengthen the body's protective functions. By November, the stars advise you to stress less, eat well, get enough sleep, spend more time on vacation, and give your body the opportunity to relax more often. Problems with your figure and the development of allergies are possible.

Career and finance

The description and characteristics of the sign indicate a special sense of purpose that will be needed during this period. Since Capricorn’s financial horoscope for 2018 promises him various kinds of opportunities in the professional field, he will make every effort to better strengthen his position. This will lead to negative actions from colleagues. The most difficult thing will be for representatives of the sign who occupy managerial positions.

By November-December, Capricorns, thanks to their potential, will be able to achieve good financial success. To do this, they will have to make a lot of effort throughout the year. Many will take dangerous actions, search for new business partners, talk with their superiors. Unforeseen expenses may occur during the summer months. In the fall, they will be required to provide financial support. The astro forecast does not promise financial problems.

Family horoscope

Representatives of the sign should be more attentive to their spouses. There is no reason for quarrels to arise. The only thing that can stand in the way of maintaining peace in the home is a lack of attention. Therefore, it is recommended to arrange more romantic gestures and spend time together more often. For those wishing to have a child, the first half of the year is a great time.

At the end of the year, it is necessary to devote more time to parents. Lonely Capricorns should reconsider their lifestyle and start building serious relationships. The stars will greatly help them in this. Relationships that began this year can lead to an early wedding and a warm family life. It is recommended to show less jealousy and selfishness, which are mentioned in the description of the sign.

Love Horoscope

The Year of the Dog for Capricorn promises significant changes on the personal front. In order not to miss this opportunity, you should stop enjoying the tendency that many people have towards loneliness and self-sufficiency. The stars promise a whirlwind romance, provided that the representative of the zodiac sign has time to see his soulmate in time. It is important to quickly make the right decisions, and then very soon a loved one will appear in your life.

Horoscope for Capricorn babies for 2018

Kids will be distinguished by special curiosity. The astrological forecast for Capricorn for this period is very favorable. This also applies to small representatives of the zodiac sign. Characteristics of children born under this sign in 2018: restless and independent. The desire to defend one’s own opinion is especially noticeable. Many children born under this sign will discover talents.

Horoscope for each month of 2018 for Capricorn

In January, representatives of the sign will be required to be active. Their passive position negatively affects their achievements in work and personal life. You need to be adventurous more often. In February, you can safely accept all incoming offers. New acquaintances, projects, changing furniture at home - you can decide on anything. Luck this month will be on the side of the representatives of this sign. March will be characterized by significant financial profits, but will require full dedication in terms of work. This will affect your relationship with your significant other.

In April you should be more careful in your work. Accuracy will be required in decision making. In May, you may have to leave old acquaintances in the past. In June, you can take on large purchases and transactions. They will prove successful. In July, stars advise listening to your inner voice. It is important to understand that the same situation can have different effects on your lifestyle. In August, family representatives of the sign will feel support from their spouse. This time is perfect for romantic trips and pleasant surprises for people who are in love.

In September, a change in professional activity is possible. The astro forecast suggests thinking about acquiring new skills. In October, revival is expected on the love front. November will bring financial stability. It is recommended to be more careful so as not to miss excellent opportunities and serious projects. December is prosperous financially. At this time, you can completely devote yourself to family and home affairs.

Eastern horoscope 2018

  • Capricorns born in the year of the Rat must choose the right path, and then the results will not be long in coming.
  • The year of the yellow dog for Capricorn-Ox promises the opening of their own business or other chances in the work field.
  • Tigers must rely more on themselves and their abilities. With a lot of effort, you can achieve success not only in your career, but also in your personal relationships.
  • Representatives of the sign born in the year of the Rabbit should be careful when making acquaintances. There may be disappointments.
  • Dragons must be honest with themselves about what they want. Then they will be provided with the support of the stars.
  • Snake-Capricorn lovers will make many mistakes on the love front. In 2018, they will experience an increase in income and travel.
  • Representatives of the sign born in the year of the Horse may encounter obstacles on their way, quarrels with loved ones.
  • The forecast for 2018 for Capricorn, born in the year of the Goat, suggests being less stubborn (which is typical of the sign’s description) and showing more prudence.
  • Monkeys will be able to enjoy harmony in the family and well-being in the workplace. Useful contacts are possible.
  • Lonely Capricorns born in the year of the Rooster will think about creating a strong union. You should be more assertive in your career.
  • The astrological forecast recommends listening to the advice of Capricorn Dogs around you. It will be possible to change jobs.
  • Capricorn-Pig will have the opportunity to invest in real estate in the summer. In relationships, deceit should be avoided.