Psychogram of a customs service specialist. Calendar of professions Moral characteristics of the personality of a customs specialist

Without knowledge of the psychological structure of professional activity, it is impossible to effectively master and further improve it. In this regard, in the theoretical and practical terms of the representative, it is relevant to analyze the psychological structure of the professional customs activity of the customs activity itself (on the example of customs control) and the managerial activity of the head of the customs authority.

Any professional activity can be considered in two aspects: motivational and operational-technical. In the first aspect, the reasons are revealed that determine the general direction and dynamics of professional activity as a whole (needs, motives, goals, tasks), in the second - specific ways and means of its implementation (actions, operations).

The activity-based approach to professional activity makes it possible to meaningfully analyze its structure and structure, identify weak links in the management activities of a particular customs manager and form them anew on the basis of progressive educational technologies. On the basis of the theory of systematic phased formation of mental actions and concepts developed in domestic psychology, the formation of such fundamental actions in the activities of a customs officer as decision-making, visual diagnostics of mental states in managerial communication and in communication with controlled persons, etc., becomes real.

The activity approach opens up new opportunities for personnel management. The selection and evaluation of personnel is a rational process, which, first of all, requires a thorough analysis of the content of customs activities and related factors. Based on the analysis, a criteria base is created, which makes it possible to determine which of the applicants should be offered a job in the customs authorities. Analysis of the content of customs activities begins to be carried out on a scientific basis, the results of the analysis become the basis for compiling job descriptions, qualities that are professionally important for this type of activity are identified, a professiogram of a customs specialist is drawn up, questionnaires are developed for entering the service in the customs authorities and other documents related to the requirements for performance of work.

The implementation of a systematic approach in line with the theory of requirements, exemptions, alternatives in the selection of candidates for service in the customs authorities allows the selection and evaluation of personnel based on objective criteria, which helps to avoid subjectivity and errors.

When analyzing the work, it is advisable to highlight such aspects of it as requirements, restrictions, alternatives. The requirements say what the worker must do. The restrictions placed on a worker by his job tell us what the worker must not do. The alternatives available to the worker determine the degree of autonomy of the worker in choosing what and how to do. These characteristics of work are most closely interconnected.

In the life of the customs service, a significant place is occupied by the problems of the psychology of business communication. Communication can be considered as an independent psychological category, closely related to the category of activity. Communication has a dialogical nature, a "subject-subjective" structure. Competence in business communication is a mandatory component of managerial work and favorably affects the image of a customs officer and the customs service.

Knowledge of the patterns of business communication allows customs specialists to recognize manipulative behavior patterns, teaches them to focus on a personally significant level of communication, which lays the foundations for self-actualization of a person in professional activity (Fig. 17.2).

To isolate the psychological component of managerial activity, it is useful to analyze the philosophy of Western management with its focus on the consumer. Management is more than the sum of technical means and organizational techniques. Ultimately, it leads to the development in members of society of the values ​​and motives inherent in societies living in a developed market economy: tolerance for uncertainty, propensity for risk and entrepreneurship, initiative and responsibility, diligence and professionalism.

Various management theories describe management activities from different angles. The psychological theory of managerial activity combines these theories into an organic integrity, where management functions act as the main areas of activity, managerial decision-making - as actions; managerial communication and team management - as types of activities, managerial roles of the head of the customs unit - as psychological characteristics that reflect the discreteness of managerial activity

Rice. 17.2. Improvement of professional activity on the basis of its psychological component (on the example of customs control)

Management activity, like any other activity, can be characterized by different levels of its qualitative parameters, carried out with greater or lesser efficiency. This is determined by many factors, but primarily depends on those personal and professional qualities of the leader, the need for which is determined by the content and nature of managerial activity. In other words, the main factors of its effectiveness are specific managerial abilities. Not only efficiency, but even the very possibility of implementing managerial functions depends on whether or not a person has such abilities. In this regard, the concept of abilities plays a special role in the study of managerial activity.

The section of the professiogram, in which the system of requirements of the customs profession for the psychological and psycho-physiological qualities of a customs officer and the measure of their severity are reflected in scientific psychological concepts. The basics of professiography and the system of professional psychological selection of customs service specialists began to be developed with the creation and establishment of a psychological service in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation (April-July 1995). The system of professional selection of customs specialists was developed by A.P. Galentov and V.V. Nemirich.

The psychogram of a customs service specialist includes the following requirements for his psychological and psychophysiological qualities. 1) Orientation, motivation, inclinations, volitional qualities: orientation and interest in customs; propensity to work with people, to communicate; ability to learn, interest in acquiring new knowledge; strong will; perseverance, determination, courage; self-control, self-confidence, emotional and neuro-psychological stability. 2) Sensory-perceptual qualities: the stability of the functions of the analyzers and the quality of perception (visual, auditory, tactile, shape, size, speed, etc.); the predominance of the visual channel of perception; attention stability, fast switching and large volume. 3) Features of higher mental functions: sufficient volume, speed and accuracy of memorization and perception; efficiency of thinking; the ability to quickly navigate in a new and unfamiliar environment, assess the degree of importance of incoming information; the need to develop imagination. 4) Psychomotor properties and physical qualities: good physical endurance, resistance to physical stress; good coordination of movements, resistance to tremor; the ability to use muscular strength, both explosive and static; resistance of speech motor characteristics to psychophysical stress; ability to abruptly change the type of activity. 5) Professional qualities: preference for activities related to communication between people; willingness to cooperate, responsiveness, adaptability, ease of inclusion in group activities, the presence of one's own opinion; emotional maturity, stability, equanimity; propensity to comply with social moral norms; a sense of responsibility, the ability to convince the group to work in a practical and realistic manner; performance in situations requiring constancy, perseverance and perseverance; prudence, caution and vigilance; self-control, concern for social reputation. 6) Contraindications to activity: neuro-psychic and emotional instability; rigidly expressed mental accentuations and deviations; alcohol, drug or drug addiction; medical contraindications.

The psychogram of a customs service specialist can serve as a guide for customs specialists on the formation of personal qualities necessary for customs activities and a program of self-education and self-improvement. Its use allows, using appropriate methods, to assess the presence or absence of the required professionally important qualities in a candidate for the relevant position, his ability to adapt to new conditions, and makes it possible to analyze the success of the professional activity of a customs service specialist.

1. Professional activity of a customs officer as a process of highly formalized control

2. Psychological characteristics of the customs team

3. Psychological features of communication between customs officers and controlled persons

4. Stressfulness of the professional activity of a customs officer and the problem of increasing stress resistance

5. Psychological aspects of professional selection of customs officers.

1. Customs team - a purposefully organized community of professionals for joint activities to protect economic and other (moral and environmental standards, security, etc.) interests of the state and its citizens in the field of external relations regulated by the Customs Code. Thus, the professional activity of a customs officer, from the point of view of psychological analysis, is a process of highly formalized control.

2.The main feature of the customs team is the clarity and statutory certainty of its organization.. The relations of subordination (subordination) are precisely and unambiguously expressed in the customs collective. This determines the special requirements for the professional and personal qualities of leaders of all ranks, for the leadership style. The head of the customs team is limited in delegating responsibility, he bears, ultimately, full responsibility for the results of the activities of his unit.

The second consequence of the considered feature is increased demands on the level of discipline of employees. An employee of the customs team is limited in independence and arbitrariness in decision-making. At the same time, employees of many departments of the customs authorities, by the nature of the tasks performed, are required to constantly make decisions (performing a permissive - prohibitive function). This gives rise to a special task of educating the responsible activity of employees. One of the ways to solve this problem can be, for example, the organization of special forms of expressing personal opinion about the progress of work and existing difficulties (written reports on assigned positions, etc.).

The second important psychological feature of the customs team, arising from the task of protecting the interests of the state, is a high level of cohesion, the development of a sense of "we" against violators who encroach on these interests. This feature makes the customs team related to the army team. But there is also a significant difference. For the army team, cohesion is an immediate condition for survival. For the customs team, cohesion is mediated by a personal experience of the significance of the goals and objectives of customs activities. The loss, within the framework of professional self-determination, of a sense of service to the Motherland, an understanding of the social significance of one's activity not only as skilled labor, but as a mission, leads, of course, not to death, but to the decomposition of the team, to the blurring of the essence of activity. Strengthening cohesion is facilitated by the maintenance of traditions and rituals that provide a collective experience of a sense of professional pride and honor.

Derived from the above are such psychological characteristics of customs teams as increased mutual demands employees, especially bosses to subordinates, and, at the same time, concern for the "honor of the uniform".

The already mentioned regulation of relations in the team, as well as the function of the customs authorities to represent the state in relations with foreign persons and organizations, forms such a feature of customs activity as necessary. impersonal, detached, "procedural" or "etiquette" character its implementation. This is especially evident in the communication of customs officials with customers.

3. I.N. Kolobova highlights the following characteristic features of communication between customs specialists and controlled persons: 1

Communication between a customs officer and a controlled person is role-playing given their legal status. Legislative acts on their rights and obligations determine the boundaries of their communication and its content. Also, social expectations and attitudes regarding the role of a customs officer play a decisive role. The behavior of a customs officer in the process of role-playing communication is standardized, developed, and then fixed in various forms, a special stereotype, template or normative pattern of behavior. A "professional mask" is played - a fixed amount of standard behavioral reactions. Regardless of the specific situation of interaction with a controlled person, the employee strives to constantly maintain a mask of goodwill, friendliness, restraint and an even attitude. This is ensured by a certain set of speech, mimic and pantomimic signs, the constant reproduction of which in the behavior of the employee creates conditions for the optimal conflict-free flow of role-playing communication. “Dropping off” the professional mask is tantamount to refusing to perform role functions. The ability to fulfill one's role as adequately as possible in the relevant patterns of behavior is the first sign of the level of professionalism and qualifications of an employee.

However, in the process of basically role-playing communication, the client of the customs authority, as well as the employee, cannot but show their personal interests and individual characteristics. The task of a customs specialist is to create a favorable psychological background for communication. Each specialist develops individual style of role behavior.

The feelings that arise in an employee and a controlled person in the process of their communication can be conjunctive (bringing together, uniting) or disjunctive (separating, alienating). The employee is the organizing and regulating side of communication with the client, therefore one of his important functions is to eliminate the conditions for the emergence of a negative emotional background of communication. It is known that the initiator of disjunctive feelings is often a controlled person. Dissatisfaction, distrust, hostility, sharply expressed by the client, sometimes easily infect the employee and provoke him to respond in kind. We should not tell the controlled person that we do not care about his problems, or that his actions create a problem for us. The constructive (and therefore highly professional) position of the employee should be different. The employee must be able to "absorb" negative emotions, and then find a way to defuse the negative emotions of the client, redirect the energy of emotions in a positive direction towards a joint solution of a common task.

The initiator of disjunctive feelings can be the employee himself, as a rule, due to emotional overload. Here are some causes of emotional overload:

Great personal responsibility for the performance of duties;

Close attention of special bodies controlling the work of a customs officer;

A variety of constantly changing objects of observation, etc.

Note that the client, as a rule, does not intend to “absorb” the negative emotions of the customs officer, moreover, sometimes he is inclined to stimulate them and use them to his advantage. At the same time, the client, as a rule, can count on impunity for his emotional incontinence, and the employee, on the contrary, has no reason for such expectations. Therefore, the employee should form an attitude to contain emotions by means of conscious self-control. Excessive emotional involvement is professionally harmful. The ability to control oneself, not to take off a professional mask is a necessary professional quality of a customs specialist.

4. All of the above suggests that the professional activity of a customs officer is characterized by increased stress. Organizational measures that help reduce the emotional tension of employees:

Rooms for psychological relief;

Sports halls, fitness equipment;

Comfortably organized food outlets, etc.

A healthy atmosphere in the work team is of great importance in the prevention of psycho-emotional overload of employees. The general business mood and optimism, labor achievements, support for employees' initiatives create a favorable moral and psychological climate, contribute to confident and accurate work and good mood.

5. The problem of professional selection of customs officials has two interrelated aspects: the diagnosis of personal and operational qualities that ensure the effectiveness of professional activities and qualities that prevent professional deformation of the personality of a customs professional.

Let us present the conclusions made by R.A. Safarov on this issue. 2

“The main socio-psychological characteristics that determine the appearance of a customs officer include:

The breadth and versatility of knowledge and ideas, combined with a pronounced desire to develop them, to expand their horizons and cultural level (cultural-cognitive aspect of the socio-psychological appearance),

The ability to correctly comprehend one's life experience, to develop rational behavioral rules on its basis, to correct one's behavior (autopedagogical aspect);

The stability of beliefs, the ability to implement them in the practice of professional activity, to act in accordance with them, and not contrary to them in all, including difficult situations (value-behavioral aspect);

Developed volitional qualities, perseverance, determination, the ability to mobilize oneself in extreme conditions (volitional aspect);

Developed ability to communicate, the ability to correctly understand others and be correctly understood by them, the ability to receive and correctly evaluate the information coming from them (communicative aspect);

A high level of loyalty to managers, employees, citizens whose interests are affected by his professional activities, the ability to keep himself within the normative boundaries (characteristic aspect).

R.A. Safarov notes the general and special aspects of the formation of professional deformation of customs officers:

The professionalization of mental processes (representations, perceptions, emotions, aspirations), mental properties (character, motivational characteristics, temperament) and psychological formations (communication and interaction characteristics) of such employees, being objectively conditioned, may go beyond the scope of expediency and cause them inadequate reactions to the environment. The composure of an operative or investigative officer of a law enforcement structure, which protects him from excessive emotional information, can, in some cases, develop into indifference, emotional "deafness", skepticism, cynicism, etc. Caution, as a professionally necessary quality, develops into suspicion, distrust, prejudice, etc. Because of this, resistance to professional deformation should also be considered as one of the most important qualities of a customs officer, forming his socio-psychological portrait.

This quality appears in organic unity with those named above. First of all, its formation is directly dependent on the cultural-cognitive, auto-pedagogical, value-behavioral, volitional, characterological and communicative features of the employee. The breadth of outlook, cultural level, the nature of life experience, the degree of stability of beliefs, the degree of development of volitional qualities, the level of loyalty - it is this in their totality that determines the likelihood of the emergence and development of professional deformation of the psyche.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the consequences of the occurrence of professional psychological deformation are the weakening of self-control and self-correction, undesirable changes in value orientations, and a decrease in the level of professional loyalty of the employee. Further growth of the deformation process can lead to persistent deactualization (long-term lack of demand) of the considered socio-psychological qualities and, ultimately, to their loss.

Professional deformation of the psyche is an exaggerated defensive reaction of an employee to the action of psychogenic (stress) factors. No less is, however, the likelihood of him developing such a defensive reaction, which, on the contrary, consists in weakening the level of exactingness towards persons who violate the law. This negative phenomenon is always associated with a change in employee motivation. Because of this, among the socio-psychological qualities that professionally characterize a customs officer, one should include his psychological stability and motivational stability.

Of particular importance is the motivational stability of customs officers. Law enforcement practice knows cases related to attempts by criminal organizations to recruit an officer, to persuade him to transfer official information. At the same time, in recruiting conversations with an employee, for example, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the impact on him is usually limited to bribery combined with a threat. Similar conversations with customs officials are most often based on a different tactic, which, along with the use of traditional measures of influence, also includes an appeal to the “civilian” feelings of the person being recruited. In doing so, the following arguments are given:

- "many entrepreneurs violate customs legislation not intentionally, but due to the presence of contradictions and uncertainties in federal laws and regulations of the State Customs Committee - therefore, they cannot be treated as criminals";

- "irrational customs rules hinder the development of Russian entrepreneurship. Therefore, it is in the interests of the country to support the most capable businessmen, to provide them with favorable conditions for expanding production, even if at the expense of some violation of these rules"

Undoubtedly, such an approach is able to reduce the severity of the motivational conflict in an employee who has embarked on the path of malfeasance, which makes it especially important, one might emphasize - specifically important - the problem of the motivational stability of a customs officer.

Profession name
Dominant way of thinking
Basic knowledge area No. 1 and their level
Basic knowledge area No. 2 and their level
Professional area Interpersonal interaction Dominant interest Secondary interest Working conditions Customs inspector
application - regulation
law, legal sciences, level 3, high (theoretical)
commodity science, customs, level 2, intermediate (practical use of knowledge)
often like "next to"
indoor/outdoor, mobile

Dominant activities: collection of customs duties for import and export of goods; control over compliance with the legislation on foreign trade; combating violations of customs rules; fight against smuggling; search for contraband goods; customs inspection of things and passengers traveling abroad of the Russian Federation; providing reports on work to higher state organizations.

Qualities that ensure the success of professional activities:

a high level of development of concentration and stability of attention (the ability to focus on one important activity for a long time); selectivity of attention; development of short-term and long-term memory; developed attention to detail; speed of reaction; the ability to make quick decisions under time pressure; communication skills (ability to get in touch); verbal abilities; the ability to analyze and systematize a large amount of information; the ability to engage in monotonous work for a long time.

decency; observation; good intuition, ability to understand people; organization, clarity; discipline; determination; exactingness to oneself and people; curiosity; the ability to quickly navigate the environment; good physical and mental endurance; emotional stability, self-control.

Qualities that impede the effectiveness of professional activity: dishonesty, selfishness; distraction; irascibility; impulsiveness; disorganization, indiscipline; fast fatiguability; susceptibility to other people's influence;
rudeness, bad manners; irresponsibility.
Areas of application of professional knowledge: government agencies that control the transport of goods across the border and collect customs duties and fees; customs terminals.
History of the profession
Customs is a government agency that controls the transport of goods (including luggage and postal items) across the state border and collects customs duties and fees.
The origins of this profession go back to the distant past. Even in ancient times, merchants, when crossing borders, paid off with the rulers of states with part of their profits.
Customs arose in Russia in the 13th century. Along with port and border customs, there were local (internal) customs at the borders of local markets and cities.
In the 16th-17th centuries, so-called customs books were compiled at customs. They recorded the results of the examination and evaluation of goods, the payment of duties by traders in local markets, the collection and transportation of goods, as well as the expenditure of the collected money for state needs. With the abolition of internal customs in 1754, the maintenance of customs books ceased.
Modern customs are located directly near the border, as well as at international airports and seaports.
Some professions that may suit a person with this type of personality (realistic and social) mechanic-controller; electrician-radio engineer; manufacturer of seals, stamps; silversmith.

Educational institutions teaching this profession:
The profession of a customs inspector can be obtained in specialized higher educational institutions. Russian Customs Academy. 140009, Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Komsomolsky avenue, 4. Tel. 559-94-45. Russian State Academy of Labor and Employment. Moscow, st. Kolskaya, 2; st. Stalevarov, 30. Tel. 918-98-30, 180-98-11. International Academy of Marketing and Management "MAMARMEN". 125499, Moscow, b-r Kronshtadtsky, 376. Tel. 456-74-51, 454-31-61, 454-31-00, 454-33-47, 454-30-91.

More on the topic Professiogram "Customs Inspector":

  1. Customs clearance and customs control of goods imported by ships into the customs territory of the Russian Federation
  2. Amounts of customs payments paid when importing goods into the customs territory of the Russian Federation and non-refundable to the taxpayer