Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку (7 класс). Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку Критерии и норма оценки

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №10»

имени Героя Российской Федерации Дмитрия Леонидовича Рычкова

Режевского городского округа

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку

для 8 класса

Составил: Ветошкин Николай Владимирович,

учитель английского языка

Пояснительная записка

Административная контрольная работа для 8 класса составлена с целью выявления у учащихся качество базовых знаний в области грамматики и умения работать с информаций на английском языке: воспринять информацию, в том числе на слух, выделить в ней основные факты и применить их для решение коммуникативной задачи, а также готовности к восприятию более сложного учебного материала.

Для решения данной цели ставятся следующие задачи:

проверить знания образование и употребление временной формы глагола Present Perfect Continuous, умения использовать модальные глаголы со значениями долженствования, возможности и разрешения.

проконтролировать умения восприятия информации на слух и решение коммуникативной задачи,

подвергнуть проверке навыки чтения и перевода.

Данная административная контрольная работа составлена на материале первого полугодия 8 класса, куда вошли следующие темы: время глагола Present Perfect Continuous, модальные глаголы can, must, should, may и модальные конструкции to have to inf., to be able to inf. в настоящем, прошедшем и будущим временах, употребление приставок с негативным значением, придаточные определительные предложения, придаточные предложения цели, перевод предложений по темам «Политическая система Великобритании», «Средства коммуникации».

Для дифференцирования испытуемых по уровням владения иностранным языком, которая позволяет выявить потенциальную возможность и готовность учащихся изучать иностранный язык на повышенном уровне, наряду с заданиями уровня 1 включаются задания уровня 2. Задания обоих уровней в рамках данной экзаменационной работы не превышают требований уровня А1+ (по общеевропейской шкале), что соответствует требованиям ФК ГОС основного общего образования по иностранному языку.

Уровень сложности заданий определяется сложностью языкового материала и проверяемых умений, а также типом задания.

Для выполнение данной работы требуется 40 минут, из них 15 минут на перевод предложений, 12 минут на выполнение задания по грамматике, 6 минут на выполнение задания 1, 6 минут на лексико-грамматический тест, 1 минута на ознакомление с заданиями.

Административная работа составлена по материалам УМК «Happy English.ru » для 8 класса.

Административная контрольная работа 8 класс

1. Поставьте глаголы в скобках во время Present Perfect Continuous .

My father __________ (work) at school for 3 years.

Sasha got a bad mark and __________ (cry) for a long time.

How long time __________ you __________ (learn) English?

For an hour I __________ (read) this book and can’t understand anything.

He __________ (wait) to see the doctor since nine o"clock.

2. Дополните предложения следующими глаголами по смыслу в правильной форме.

may , be able to , can, could, must, should, have to

1. The father ________ finish this work today. 2. You ________ see these documents next week. 3. Your brother ________ come to lesson in time. 4. Tomorrow we ________ help our grandparents. 5. ________ Peter swim last year? 6. I ________ keep this magazine till Monday. 7. How many hours ________ children sleep a day?

3. Выберете правильный вариант ответа.

1) Your answer is __________________ .

2) Yesterday I saw a girl ______________________

a. who is the new in our class.

b. which is the new in our class.

c. whom is the new in our class.

d. whose is the new in our class.

3) This text is ___________________

4) My brother ___________________ is a nice guy.

a. Which name is Alex

b. Who name is Alex

c. Whose name is Alex

d. Whome name is Alex

5) I learn English ___________________

a. that speak to people in England

b. while speak to people in England

c. because speak to people in England

d. to speak to people in England

4. Переведите предложения на английский язык

Парламент Великобритании состоит из Палаты Лордов и Палаты Общин.

Английский язык - латынь 21 века.

В Великобритании главой правительства является премьер-министр.

Интернет, телевизор, радио и телефон - это средства коммуникации.

Мой родной язык - русский.


Критерии и норма оценки

За каждый правильный ответ в заданиях учащийся получает 1 балл. В задании 4 каждый правильный ответ оценивается в 2 балла. Если в кратком ответе сделана орфографическая ошибка, ответ считается неверным. За неверный ответ или отсутствие ответа выставляется 0 баллов.

За выполнение задания 1 учащийся может получить от 0 до 5 баллов, за задание 2 - от 0 до 7 баллов, за задание 3 - от 0 до 5 баллов, за задание 4 - от 0 до 10 баллов.

Максимальное количество баллов - 27.

Оценки выставляются в соответствии со следующими условиями:

Оценка «5» выставляется, если учащийся выполнил от 89 до 100 процентов заданий и набрал от 24 до 27 баллов.

Оценка «4» выставляется, если учащийся выполнил от 59 до 88 процентов заданий и набрал от 16 до 23 баллов.

Оценка «3» выставляется, если учащийся выполнил от 44 до 58 процентов заданий и набрал от 12 до 15 баллов.

Оценка «2» выставляется, если учащийся выполнил меньше 44 процентов заданий и набрал меньше 12 баллов соответственно.

Ответы к заданиям

Задание 1 .

has been working

have been learning

have been reading

has been waiting

Задание 2 .

will be able to / ‘ll be able to

will have to / ‘ll have to

Задание 3 .

Задание 4 .

The Parliament of the UK consists of the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

English is the Latin of the 21-st century.

In the UK the head of the government is the Prime Minister.

Internet, TV, radio and telephone are the means of communication.

My native language is Russian.

Типичные ошибки

Ошибки в образовании формы глагола Present Perfect Continuous, образования форм модальных глаголов и их употребления, образование придаточных определительных предложений и придаточных цели, употреблении приставок с негативным значением, незнание лексики по темам «Политическая система Великобритании», «Средства коммуникации», неправильный перевод предложений.

Цель : контроль пройденного грамматического и лексического материала.


1. Выявить моменты, недостаточно изученные учащимися;

2. Обобщить полученные знания.

Дата ________

Время 45 мин.

Задания :

1. Fill in the missing words and phrases. Use them from the list given below:

1. My best friend is … collecting stamps.

2. I am … boring lessons.

3. I and my friends like to … bikes in summer.

4. My sister’s husband is three years … than her.

5. Do you want to … the Zoological Society of London?

6. My … brother gets along with our parents very well.

7. “Harry Potter” is … reading.

8. My father … the rubbish.

takes out, tired of, older, elder, fond of, worth, join, go by

2. Fill in the gaps.

… -a sportsman

… - an architect

3. Fill in the article (a/an, the) where it’s necessary.

2. … Smiths have … dog and … cat.

3. “Is this your ... friend?” - “No, it isn’t my ... friend, it is my sister”.

4. This is ... tree. ... tree is green.

5. I can see three ... children. ... children are playing in … yard.

6. What"s … highest mountain in the world?

7. He lives in … Paris.

8. He is … economist.

9. … Earth goes round … Sun.

10. What … strange girl!

11. Could you close … door, please?

12. We celebrate New Year on … 31st of … December.

13. It is washed by the waters of … Atlantic Ocean.

14. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like … French?

15. … Moscow is on … Moskva River.

4. Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. ..... a new car. Do you want to see it?

2. I ...... to bed very late last night.

3. ...... the football match on TV a week ago?

b) Have you seen

4. My friend … to India in 1995.

5. We … our homework! We can go to the cinema now!

7. It is the most beautiful place I … ever … .

8. He … already … a competition.

c) didn’t written

5. Fill in Reflexive Pronouns.

1. She looked at … in the mirror

2.My little nephew fell down and hurt … .

3. We took these pictures … .

4. They shook hands and introduced … .

5. You call … a gentleman.

6. Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers … .

7. The party was great. We enjoyed … very much.

6.Correct the mistakes.

1. My brother doesn’t never travel by train.

2. Were you ever been to the United Kingdom?

3. I have clean my room. We can go for a walk now.

4. There were three wolfs in the Wild Animal’s Park.

5. Why do these girls crying now?

6. There is a new table in the room, isn’t it?

7. Mr.Smith’s brothers are policeman.

8. My sister want to be librarian.

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку на тему


Ответы к заданиям

1. Fill in the missing words and phrases. Use them from the list given below:

1. My best friend is fond of collecting stamps.

2. I am tired of boring lessons.

3. I and my friends like to go by bikes in summer.

4. My sister’s husband is three years older than her.

5. Do you want to join the Zoological Society of London?

6. My elder brother gets along with our parents very well.

7. “Harry Potter” is worth reading.

8. My father takes out the rubbish.

2. Fill in the gaps.

to dance- dancer

politics- politician

to paint- painter

sport -a sportsman

to swim- swimmer

architecture - an architect

3. Fill in the article (a/an, the) where it’s necessary.

2. The Smiths have a dog and a cat.

3. “Is this your friend?” - “No, it isn’t my friend, it is my sister”.

4. This is a tree. The tree is green.

5. I can see three children. The children are playing in the yard.

6. What"s the highest mountain in the world?

7. He lives in Paris.

8. He is an economist.

9. The Earth goes round the Sun.

10. What a strange girl!

11. Could you close the door, please?

12. We celebrate New Year on the 31st of December.

13. It is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

14. Are you studying foreign languages at school, like French?

15. Moscow is on the Moskva River.

4. Choose Present Perfect or Past Simple.

5. Fill in Reflexive Pronouns.

1. She looked at herself in the mirror

2.My little nephew fell down and hurt himself .

3. We took these pictures ourselves .

4. They shook hands and introduced themselves .

5. You call yourself a gentleman.

6. Mrs. Dalloway said she would buy the flowers herself.

7. The party was great. We enjoyed ourselves very much.

6.Correct the mistakes.

1. My brother doesn’t travel by train.

2. Have you ever been to the United Kingdom?

3. I have cleaned my room. We can go for a walk now.

4. There were three wolves in the Wild Animal’s Park.

5. Why are these girls crying now?

6. There is a new table in the room, isn’t there?

7. Mr.Smith’s brothers are policemen.

8. My sister wants to be a librarian.

Test for the 6 th form.

I. Прочти микротексты и подбери к ним заголовки. Один заголовок лишний.

  1. My family is not large. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. My mother"s name is Svetlana. She is 42. She is a doctor. My father"s name is Boris. He is 45. He is a scientist. My sister"s name is Kate. She is 20. She is a student.
  2. My home town is a new town not far from Moscow. It was named in honour of the Prince Obolensky who lived there many years ago. My town is small. It"s population is 5000 people.
  3. My grandparents live in Sochi. It is near the sea. We like to go there in summer. My grandparents have a big house with a garden. Many fruit trees grow in it: plum trees, apple trees. pear trees and orange trees. We like to help my grandparents in the garden.
  4. If I have free time I can walk, read books or watch TV. I like to read different books: historical, detective and tales.
  5. My favourite foreign writer is M. Twain. He was born in 1835. He died in 1910. I read many books by this writer: «The adventures of Tom Sawyer», «The adventures of Huckleberry Finn».

a. My Home Town.

B . My Free Time.

C. My Favourite Writer.

D. My Family.

e. My Grandparents" House.

F. My Best Friend.

G. My School Day.

II. Прочти шесть текстов и найди соответствия между содержанием текстов и утверждениями. Одно утверждение лишнее.

  1. My name is Sasha. I am ten. I have got a family. My family is not large. I"ve got a mother, a father and a sister.
  2. My friend"s hobby is painting. Her favourite sport is badminton. She wants to become an artist. We are good friends.
  3. If I go to the country to see my grandparents, I can see many animals there: cows, horses, pigs, hens and ducks. My grandma asks me to take care of the chickens. The chickens are very nice. They grow up very quickly.
  4. After school I have dinner, then go shopping, watch TV. I like to help my mother about the house. Then I do my homework. In the evening I have my supper and then I go for a walk with my friends.
  5. My mother goes to work at 8 o"clock and comes back at 7 pm. She works in a bank.
  6. This book teachers us to be kind and friendly, brave and honest, helps to be true friends. I enjoyed this book. It is the best present for children.

A. He likes to take care of the chickens.

B. She likes cooking very much.

C. His mother goes to work at eight am.

D. Sasha"s family is small.

E. She can paint well.

F. A book is a best present for children.

G. After school Mike helps his mother and does his homework.

III. Прочитай и выбери правильный ответ.

Summer Holidays.

There are three month in summer: June, July and August.

June opens summer. Days are long, nights are short in June. There are many flowers in June and children like to pick them up in the forest. The first berries appear in the forests and gardens. Baby birds learn to fly. Children"s holidays begin in June.

July is the second summer month. July gives different berries and vegetables. It"s very hot in July. Children go to swim in the river. They spend a lot of time with their friends. They play tennis, badminton and football. Some children go to summer camps.

August is the end of the summer. At the beginning of this month the weather is warm and hot but at the end it is cool. Birds prepare to fly to the South. August brings a lot of fruits, berries and mushrooms. Children like to go to the forest to pick up mushrooms and berries.

I like my summer holidays.

1. What months are there in summer?

a) There are three months in summer: June, July and August.

b) There are three months in summer: September, October, November.

c) There are three months in summer: March, April, May.

2. What is the second summer month?

a) June is the second summer month.

b) July is the second summer month.

c) August is the second summer month.

3. What do children do in July?

a) Children play basketball.

b) Children like to go to the forest.

c) Children go to swim in the river.

4. What does August bring to us?

a) August brings a lot of flowers and berries.

b) August brings a lot of fruits, berries and mushrooms.

c) August brings a lot of mushrooms.

5. What are the days and nights in June?

a) Days are short, nights are long.

b) Days are long, nights are short.

c) Days become longer, nights are long, too.

6. What do birds prepare to do in August?

a) Birds prepare to pick up mushrooms and berries.

b) Birds prepare to swim in the river.

c) Birds prepare to fly to the South.

IV. Прочитай текст и выбери правильную форму глагола.

My name (1) ... Nick. I am nine. I (2) ... to school. I (3) ... now. I usually (4) ... in the evening. My mother (5) ... dinner at this moment. My sister always (6) ... her.

  1. a) am b) is c) are
  2. a) am going b) go c) goes
  3. a) watches TV b) watch TV c) am watching TV
  4. a) walk b) walking c) walks
  5. a) cooks b) is cooking c) cook
  6. a) is helping b) help c) helps

V. Прочитай предложение и выбери правильное слово.

  1. Mr. Black is a man ... a black sweater.

a) in b) at c) on

  1. My friends are ... and I like them.

a) cheerful b) cheered c) cheering

  1. The carpet is ... the floor.

a) at b) in c) on

  1. She ... vitamins in spring and autumn.

a) take b) takes c) taking

  1. Our family has ... books in our library.

a) much b) most c) many

  1. October is a ... month.

a) summer b) autumn c) winter

Variant 1.

I. Make up the words.

  1. u, i, i, n, m, s, c, a =
  2. n, e, t, r, i, v, n, o =
  3. n, i, e, r, e, g, n, e =
  4. i, r, r, a, l, b, a, i, n =
  5. o, r, a, i, t, j, u, n, l, s =
  1. a construction a). officer
  2. a police b). designer
  3. a post c). operator
  4. a car d). worker
  5. a computer e). man
  1. Who worked in a school?

a) Linda"s mum b) A teacher

  1. What is he?

a) My dad b) A mechanic

  1. Who works on Sundays?
  1. What was he?
  1. Who is going to work in a supermarket?

a) My mum b) A sales person

a) will be, stay b) is, will stay c) - , will stay

  1. If her parents ... , Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

a) agree, will invite b) will agree, invite c) - , will invite

  1. If it ... very hot, they ... to the beach.

a) will be, go b) - , will go c) is, will go

  1. If there ... fog, Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

a) is, will take b) - , will take c) will be, take


  1. The text is about postmen.
  2. It"s a highly paid job.
  3. A postman gets up early.
  4. A postman drives a lot.
  5. The work of a postman is easy.

VI. How well do you know British and American culture.

  1. Roald Dahl grew up in...

a) Norway b) Britain c) France

  1. Roald Dahl was ...

a) a writer b) a ship broker c) an actor

  1. Helen Keller ...

a) wrote books b) played in films c) helped the blind

27 scores

Final test for the 6 th form.

Variant 2.

I. Make up the words.

  1. i, h, r, a, f, s, e, m, n =
  2. u, r, e, n, r =
  3. u, g, o, s, r, e, n =
  4. c, e, t, s, s, i, n, i, t =
  5. e, e, r, l, g, s, m, t, o, o, o, i, t =

II. Match the words in the left and in the right columns.

  1. a relief a) wife
  2. a house b) officer
  3. a post c) worker
  4. a computer d) designer
  5. a clothes e) man

III. Choose the right answer.

  1. What was she?

a) Linda"s mum b) A teacher

  1. Who is working in a garage?

a) My dad b) A mechanic

  1. What is he?

a) Paul"s dad b) A bus-driver

  1. Who has worked at a police station?

a) My granddad b) A police-officer

  1. What is she?

a) My mum b) A sales person

IV. Put the right answer in the text.

  1. If there ... rain, they ... at home.
  1. a) - , will stay b) is, will stay c) will be, stay

2. If her parents ... , Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

  1. a) - , will invite b) will agree, invite c) agree, will invite

3. If it ... very hot, they ... to the beach.

  1. a) is, will go b) - , will go c) will be, go

4. If there ... fog, Jane ... her friends to the cafe.

  1. a) will be, take b) - , will take c) is, will take

V. Read the story and answer: TRUE or FALSE


There are different professions and jobs. All jobs are quite difficult. But some of them are highly paid and some are low paid. A postman is a hard, but low paid job. A postman has to get up early in the morning. Snow or rain, he must deliver newspapers and letters. Postmen usually have to walk a lot. They also carry a heavy bag with the post. Good postmen know people from their neighbourhood. This job is very important. They earn money by working much.

Административная контрольная работа по английскому языку

за 1 полугодие 2017-2018 учебного года

учени…. 9 класса


1. Вы услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных A , B , C , и D . Определите, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. Используйте каждое место действия их списка 1 – 5 только один раз. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Вы услышите запись дважды. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу.

1. I n the hotel

2. At custom-house

3. At the supermarket

4. In the museum

5. At the theatre

2. Прочитайте текст о роли слушания в изучении иностранного языка. Установите соответствие между заголовками А - F и пронумерованными абзацами текста 1 - 5. Запишите свои от­веты в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок .

A. Speaking is not the first step.

B. Listening by watching English films.

C. A good way to improve speaking.

D. The advantages of listening.

E. English speech is available.

F. Listening from the moment of birth.

1. Everyone knows that there are four skills in learning a language, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. They are always related in terms of usage, and speaking is viewed by learners as the most desirable skill in face-to-face communication in the globalization era. What do you have to do before you can speak? What does a child learn before he talks? Listen, of course!

2. Naturally, children begin listening to their parents when they are babies. They are often greeted, spoken to and admired without any response expected. Though nobody knows if the baby understands the spoken words, the process continues. Children automatically acquire such language over some time. That leads to speaking skill which is quite applicable to daily conversation.

3. In learning English, listening can help to improve speaking considerably. Although it is the first of all skills, it is neither the easiest nor the most meaningless. We need to hear various types of English repeatedly and continuously if we want to communicate properly, meaningfully and naturally.

4. When listening, we are reviewing a lot of English usage such as vocabulary, grammatical structures, intonation, accent etc. We can learn new words and expressions by hearing them frequently. We can imitate what we hear and apply it with great confidence. Listening can be a good «hobby» while we do other things such as cooking, ironing, exercising, relaxing etc. In other words, we have no wasted time at all.

5. Nowadays, radio cassette recorders are household appliances, but we often overlook their radio function. We can experience English language radio programmes almost anywhere in the world. They are usually picked up on FM bands and aired particularly for foreigners. Short wave radio programmes are another option. Two of the most easily found English language broadcasters are the BBC and Voice of America. Today, you can even access them by Internet.


3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. The official name of America is

a) the USA or the US b) the USSR c) the UK

2. The capital of America is

a) New York b) Boston c) Washington, DC

3. America was discovered by

a) Vasco da Gama b) Ferdinand Magellan c) Christopher Columbus

4. The Native Americans were

a) Indians b) Celts c) Mexicans

5. American money is

a) euros and cents b) dollars and \ cents c) pounds and pennies

6. In America the official language(s) is / are

a) English b) English and French c) English and German

a) the capital of the USA. b) a world famous resort, c) the capital of world movie production.

8. Disney, Universal, Fox, Warner Bros, Paramount, Columbia and MGM are the names of

a) the most successful companies in the world, b) famous people, c) the largest film studios.

4. Вставьте артикль the где необходимо.

I live near ......... church. ......... church is very old.

2. Mr Smith is at........ hospital now. He wants to talk to his son"s doctor.

3. You should come to... …..school, Mrs Brown. We need to talk about your daughter.

4. The robber was caught and went to ....... prison.

5. She was sitting on ... ….bed reading a book.

6. .......... dinner is served.

7. 1 never have ........ breakfast. I"m not hungry in the morning.

8. .......... dinner we had in that cafe was disgusting.

9. Let"s have ... ….lunch in the garden.

10. It was ... …best dinner I"ve ever had.

11. ... ..coffee she made was tasteless.

12. There was ...... butter in the cake.

13. There was no ..... meat or ..... fish in ..... soup.

14. I drink ... …coffee without ….. milk.

15. …... juice I was drinking was very cold.

Ключи к контрольной работе.

1 .



-, -, the

За каждый правильный ответ – 1 балл. Всего – 32 балла.

Перевод баллов в оценку

32-31 балла-«5»

30-22 балла-«4»

21-19 балла- «3».

Тексты для аудирования

Задание 1

Dialogue A

A:Do you have anything to declare,mam?

B:Just some wine and cigarettes.

A:How much wine do you have?

B:Three bottles.

A:I’m afraid you’re only allowed two bottles.You’ll have to pay duty on the rest.

Dialogue B

A:What shall we buy?

B:We want some beef and a chicken.You know I can’t do without meat.

A:I’m fond of dairy products.

B:Look! The chicken is splendid and the beef is of superior quality. What’s next on the shopping list?

A: I think juice. Let’s buy apple juice.

Dialogue C

A:Good afternoon. I’d like to check in.

B: Do you have a reservation with us?

A:Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last night.

B:Your name,please?

A:Mag Brown from San Francisco.

Dialogue D

A:What do you think of the play?

B:The action develops slowly. Some scenes are dull. The cast is not very good. Do you share my opinion?

A:Frankly speaking I do. That happens to be a rather poor performance. Have you been here before?

B:Haven’t had a chance, you know. I am here for the first time. I like the hall. It is beautifully decorated. The chairs are comfortable and the chandelier is wonderful